ISO 7970 pdf download – Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)一Specification

ISO 7970 pdf download – Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)一Specification

ISO 7970 pdf download – Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)一Specification.
other cereals
grains belonging to cereal species other than the main cereal In the sample or batch under consideration
Note I to entry: For the purposes of this document, the “main cereal” Is wheat (THekum aestivurn L.).
extraneous matter
fraction consisting of inorgon?c extraneous matter (3J,.) and organic extraneous matter (Ith)
Inorganic extraneous matter
stones, glass, pieces of soil and other mineral matter
NoIc ito entry: All the components which pass through a lcve with long rounded apertures 1,00mm wide (see ISO 5223W) are considered to be inorganic matter.
organic extraneous matter
animal or plant matter other than grains of wheat, damaged wheat grains (1.2). other cereals (113). inorganic extraneous matter (11) and harmful and/or toxic matter (112)
harm ful and/or toxic matter
substances In wheat bulk that can have a damaging or dangerous effect on health
harmful and/or toxic seed
seed that. it present in quantities above a certain limit. can have a damaging or dangerous effect on health, sensory properties or technological performance
Note I to entry: An Indicative hst of these seeds is given In Annex A.
bunted grain
grain filled with a fetid smelling dust comprising the spores of bunts
Note ito entry: Adapted trom ISO 5527:2015, 2.1.4.
Fuscirl urn-contaminated grain
grain typically characterized by thin or shrunken chalk-like kernels caused by Fusarium head blight
rotten grain
grain that is discoloured, swollen and soft as a result of decomposition by fungi or bacteria
sclerotium of the fungus Cksviceps purpurea
(SOURCE: ISO 11051:1994,3.71
4 Requirements
4.1 General characteristics and sensory properties
Wheat grains shall be sound. clean and have no foreign odours or odours indicating any deterioration.
4.2 Health characteristics
4.2.1 Wheat grains shall not contain added compounds, heavy metals, mycotoxins. pesticides residues or other contaminants that can affect human health. The maximum levels authorized are laid down by national regulations, or the loint FAO/WIIO Codes Alimentarlus Commission (see Relerences 171 and [81).
4.22 Wheat shall be free from the living insects listed in Annux U, when determined in accordance with ISO 66393 or ISO 6639-4, and of mites when determined by the sieving method.
4.3 Physical and chemical characteristics
4.3.1 MoIsture content
The moisture content of wheat, determined in accordance with ISO 712, shall not be greater than 14,5 % mass fraction.
NOTI It Is possible that different water contents are required for certain destinations. In relation to the climate, and duration oftransport and storage, For further inlormation. see 1St) 6322•1.
4.3.2 Bulk density
The bulk density, called mass per hectolitre. of wheat shall be determined using instruments calibrated in accordance with the reference method specified in ISO 7971.1 or. by default, in accordance with the routine method specified in ISO 7971-3. It shall not be less than 70 kg/hI.
4.3.3 Impurities
The maximum impurities content, determined using the method specified in AnncxC. shall not exceed the value given in Table l.
Weigh, to the nearest 1 g, the test sample so obtained and place it in the container (C.2.5).
During the preparation of the test sample, note whether any particular odour foreign to that of wheat isdetected, whether any living insects (specified in Annex B) are present or other anomalies.
C.4.3 Determination of ergot
Separate ergot from the test sample [see C.4.2),put it in a dish (C.2.4) and weigh it to the nearest 0,01 g.C.4.4 First division
Divide the sample from which the ergot has been removed by using the divider (C.2.2) until a quantityof approximately 250 g is obtained.
Weigh, to the nearest 0,01 g, the test portion so obtained. lf any husked grains are observed, separatethem from their envelopes before the first sieving.
C.4.5 First sieving
Fit together the 3,55 mm sieve, the 1,00 mm sieve and the receiver, so that the sieve apertures arepositioned parallel to each other.
Place the test portion (see C.4.4) on the 3,55 mm sieve and put on the lid.
Shake manually for 45s with a forwards-and-backwards motion in the direction of the apertures of thesieve, keeping the sieve in a horizontal plane.
From the material that did not pass through the 3,55 mm sieve, separate, by placing in separate dishes(C.2.4),the other cereals, the organic and inorganic components of the extraneous matter, harmful and/or toxic seeds,Fusarium-contaminated grains, rotten grains, bunted grains and black point grains, andany wheat grains that should have been retained. Wheat grains retained shall then be added to thematerial that does not pass through the 1,00 mm sieve.Add the inorganic elements of the extraneousmatter to the material that has passed through the 1,00 mm sieve.Weigh the fractions thus obtained to the nearest 0,01 g.