ISO 6966-2 pdf download – Aircraft ground equipment- Basic requirements- Part 2: Safety requirements

ISO 6966-2 pdf download – Aircraft ground equipment- Basic requirements- Part 2: Safety requirements

ISO 6966-2 pdf download – Aircraft ground equipment- Basic requirements- Part 2: Safety requirements.
4 Characteristics
4.1 General
4.1.1 Considerable importance is attached to having equipment into which the essential safety aspects have been incorporated as part of the basic design (design to safety). It is particulady necessary when designing aircraft ground support equipment fGSE) to take into account the adverse conditions which frequentty prevail in ramp areas, e.g. congested vehicle movement, exposure to weather, night operation, noise from awcrafl and other vehicles, and difficult communications.
4.1.2 Design to safety should be based on a specific comprehensive risk assessment for each type of aircraft GSE, to be conducted by the manufacturer. The retained design should be commensurate with the results of the risk assessment and should take into account, if applicable, each area of potential concern listed in Clause &
4.1.3 Design should aim at providing Intrinsically sale equipment. i.e. where potentially unsafe occurrences are prevented by basic design features such as equipment and component geometry, layput, or mode of operation, minimizing inasmuch as feasible the necessity to use additive safety devices or circuits. Where such additional devices or circuits dedicated to safety purposes cannot be avoided, risk assessment shall Include an evaluation of any potential drawbacks or unforeseen additional hazards resulting from this addition.
4.1.4 All equipment or any component thereof, the failure of which could be hazardous, shall be designed to be fail-safe, or, where impractical, duplicated, In the event of duplication, each of the duplicated components shall separately be capable of safely performing its function ii the event of failure of its duplicate.
4.1.5 The content of this part of ISO 6966 was determined by taking Into account generally recognized assumptions with regard to
a) the normally Intended use of aircraft GSE, when used on the ramp of International civil airports in order to handle, service or maintain civil transport aicraft:
b) the environmental (surface, slope, weather, lighting, operating rules, staff qualification. etc) conditions prevailing on the ramp area of the maiority of mternational civil elrpO(ts
Manufacturers of aircraft GSE should define In the relevant documentation (see Clause 8) the specifically intended conditions of use and environment for each Iteni of equipment, and purchasers systematically review their own specific conditions of use arid environment in order to determine whether those stated are adequate. or negotiate with the manufacturer appropriate modifications to ensure they are.
NOTE For intended operation in Europe, addibonal EU Machinery Directive requirements abo apply They can be met by complying with the requirements of the following European standards.
EN 1915.1, Aircraft growed support equipment — General requirements — Pail 1: Basic safety requirements
EN 1915.2, Aircraft ground support equØrnent — General requirements — Part 2: StabEiWy and strength reqcalvmervs. calculations and last methods
EN 1915-3. ground support eqcpneM — General requ*’ements — Part a Vibration meawremenl methods arid reduction
EN 1915-4. Aircraft ground support equipment — General requirements — Part 4: Noise measwement methods All operational personnel work platforms and walkways wtiere there is a possibility of falling from heights in excess of 1.0 rn (40 in) shall have guard rails with a minimum height ci 1.1 m (43 in) in accordance with ISO 14122-3, incIucng the following:
— a handrail:
— a kick plate (toe board) with a minimum height of 0,1 m (4 in);
at least one knee rail, located no more than 0.5 m (20 In) above the kiciL plate. On vehicles with an open cabin with passenger seat(s), a hip guard shall be provided on the outside edge of the outer seat(s), with a mmimum height of 80 mm (3 in) above the seat surface.
4.21.6 Where ladders are used for access, the inclrie angle shall not be less than 75. with a maximum of 90. Where stairs are used, the indine angle shall not be less than 20. with a maxrnum of 50. Equal spacing between rungs or steps, not to exceed 0.3 m (12 In). shall be maintained above the lust one. Steps shall have a mwiimum depth of 80 mm (3 in). Rungs shall have a mmimum diameter of 20mm (0,8 In). A minimum 150mm (6 ii) clearance shall be maintained from any obstruction, including between parallel elements of a telescopic ladder or stair.
4.2.2 Drlvw!op.rator cabin
Where a cabin Is provided, the minimum size of the drivers or operator’s space envelope shall conlorm to the requirements of ISO 3411. For seated accommodation. individual restraint systems (safety belts) should be provided in accordance with locally appbcabfe regulations.
Where transport of persons other than the driver/operator te specified, the GSE shall be equipped with
— seats, with restraint system when located in the outer position directly behind the windshield, or standing accommodation with appropriate handholds.