ISO 6497 pdf download – Animal feeding stuffs-Sampling

ISO 6497 pdf download – Animal feeding stuffs-Sampling

ISO 6497 pdf download – Animal feeding stuffs-Sampling.
5 Identification and general inspection of the lot prior to sampling
Positively identify the lot in question before any samples are taken, and. for this purpose, compare, as appropriate. the number of items in the lot, the mass of the lot or Ihe volume of the lot, and the markings on containers and labels, with the entries on the relevant documents.
Note for Inclusion Wi the sampling report any features, relevant to the taking of representati’e samples, concerning the condition of the lot and of the surroundings.
Separate damaged portions of the lot andloc. if the lot is unduly helerogeneous. divide it into portions with more similar properties. Treat each of these portions as separate lots.
6 Sampling equipment
6.1 General
Select a sampling device appropriate to the particle size of the product, the size of the sample to be taken, the saze
of the container, the physical state of the product. etc.
6.2 Apparatus for taking increments from solid products
6.2.1 Examples of apparatus for manual sampling SamplIng from bulk
Examples are an ordinary shovel, hand-scoop, cylindrical sampler (for example sampling spear, stick-trier or sleeve-trier) and conical sampler. The sampling spear may comprise one or more compartments.
Sampling of products in motion at relatively low flow rates can be performed manually. SamplIng from bags or other packages
Examples are a hand-scoop, sack-type sampling spear or trier, cylindrical sampler, conical sampler and riffle divider.
6.2.2 Examples of apparatus for mechanical sampling
Approved apparatus for taking increments periodically from a flow of product (for example pneumatic apparatus) may be used.
Sampling of products In motion at high flow rates can be performed by machines with manual control.
6.3 Apparatus for taking increments from liquid or semi-liquid products by manual or mechanical means
Examples are a stirrer plunger, agitator. sampling bottle, sampløng tube, zone sampler SamplIng from packages
Select randomly from the lot the number of packages from which increments are to be taken, taking mb account the mmimurn number of increments specified in 8.4.3. Open the packages and take the increments using equipment as described in 6.2,1,2.
If the Increments are to be taken from closed packages, sack-type spears or triers can be used Sack-type spears can be used either horizontally or vedicaHy but shall be driven diagonally into the package The increments taken from the packages may be taken from the whole depth or at three levels: top, middle arid bo(tom
After taking the increments Iron, the package, close the hole on the package wall
If it is not possible or convenient to use the above method (or not advisable beanng in mind the non-homogeneity of non-pelleted mixtures), empty the contents of the package on to a clean, dry surface, mix thoroughly and take one shovelful as an increment,
8.4.6 Preparation of laboratory samples
Take and prepare all samples as quickly as possible to avoid changes m the quality of the samples and to prevent them becoming contaminated. Combine the increments and mix thoroughly to form the bulk sample. The buI sample may be placed in a container or bag that has no adverse effect on the quakty of the sample.
Reduce the bulk sample either manually (for example by the random-cup method or by quartering) or mechanically (for example using a conical divider, centrifugal divider or multiple-slot divider). Repeat this process, mixing each time, to give a reduced sample of suitable size, but not less than 2 kg.
Thoroughly mix the reduced sample and divide it into three or four laboratory samples, as required, of approximately equal size (minmum 0.5 kg). Place each laboratory sample in an appropriate container. See also the note to 2.6.