ISO 18904 pdf download – lmaging materials一Processed films一 Method for determining lubrication

ISO 18904 pdf download – lmaging materials一Processed films一 Method for determining lubrication

ISO 18904 pdf download – lmaging materials一Processed films一 Method for determining lubrication.
Repeat the procedure twice more on different areas 04 the same sample. Caiculale the arithmetic average of the three determinations.
7 Test report
7.1 Test data
The following values shall be recorded:
name and number 01 the film saniple;
— film type;
average friction coefficient of the emulsion side and of the support side of the film;
an indication as to whether measurements were made in the picture area or at the I liii edges:
— number of samples tested;
temperature and relative humidity of the test.
7.2 Interpretation of results
Totally unlubricated film will generally produce values in excess at 040. Striking exceptions to this generalization will be found on the emulsion side of certain films, principally colour films that have an inherently low coefficient of friction even when not lubricated atler processing For this reason the support side is a more reliable indicator of post-process lubrication.
Experience has shown that effective lubricants, well applied, will generally produce values of 0,15 or less. However, the presence of lubrication can only be determined with cattawity if the papec’clip friction coefficient of an unlubricated sample is known.
The effectiveness of a lubrication treatment for any particular application cannot be predicted by the paper-clip friction coefficient.
7.3 Repeatability
With careful operation, the precision attainable is generally within 10 % of the measured value for any given tester and operator.
The current numbenng system for TC 42 documents dealing with the physical properties and stability of imaging materials is confusing since the five digit numbers that are used are not In any consecutve order. To tacditate remembering the numbers. ISO has set aside a block of numbers from 16900 to 18999 and all revisions and new Inlernabonal Standards will be given a number within this blod. The Last three digits will be identical to the current ANSI’PIMA numbers of published documents. This will be advantageous to me technical experts from Germany, Japan, United Kingdom International and the USA who have prepared the standard and who ar+
e familiar with the ANSIPIMA numbers.
As the present International Standards are revised and published, their new numbers will be as given in Table A. 1:
Paper clips are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. To determine the effect of such variations, a study was made under the auspices of ISO. Over fty paper clips from five countries were compared against non-lubricated, parially lubricated and well-ubricated filim surfaces. The radius of curvature at the contacting area varied from 1,5 mm to 10 mm and the wire diameter from 0,08 mm to 0,11 mm. The standard deviation of friction coefficients for all fity paper clips against a single surface with the same operator was only 0,01.