ISO 18626 pdf download – Information and documentation —Interlibrary Loan Transactions

ISO 18626 pdf download – Information and documentation —Interlibrary Loan Transactions

ISO 18626 pdf download – Information and documentation —Interlibrary Loan Transactions.
requesting agency
agency (11). which may send requests For library items (16) and receive them from the supplying agency (3.4)
supplying agency
agency (11) which receives requests for library items (16) and delivers them to the requesting agency (13)
Ilbrary.related organization
institution, company, consortium or other organization which handles ILL, requests and/or receives requested library items (16) on behalf of one or more lIbraries (12)
library Items
books, journals, articles, music, etc. or copies of these in physical or digital format
4 Messages
4.1 General
This document specifies three messages and responses to them for handling Interlibrary loan transactions:
— Request (see Table 1) and Request Confirmation (see Thh1e2);
— Supplying Agency Message (see Table 3) and Supplying Agency Message Confirmation (see Table 4)
— Requesting Agency Message (see Table 5) and Requesting Agency Message Confirmation (see
Guidelines about the use of this document are given in AnnexJ with Tables D.1 to ,9. Remark that these tables are just illustrations and do not cover all relevant utilization.
For Request, Supplying Agency Message and Requesting Agency Message, a confirmation message Is sent Immediately (see 4.3. 4. and 41). The Request Confirmation message (see Table 2) Is not a positive or negative response to the request; it indicates only that the Request message has been received. If the Request message contains problems, the Request Confirmation message shall include Error Data (see Llffl.
Codes used in tables are as follows:
— R Repeatable;
— M Mandatory
— CT Complex Trpe;
— OC Open Code List (I.e. Scheme Value Pair);
— CC Closed Code List (I.e. the code list is part of the ILL standard);
— SC Standard Code List.
Open Code Lists are predefined schemes, consisting of an enumerated list of possible values for a given data element that should be supported by applications conformant with this document, The Open Code Lists of values are not comprehensive and implementer groups may develop additional schemes For these enumerated types to cover their implementation requirements. Thus, an application may choose to support additional schemes for one or more Open Code Lists. Core lists of values to be supported by all implementations are defined in Annex B.
Standard Code Lists are based on code lists published in standards or other normative documents. New schemes and values maybe added to the Open Code List as described in Annex H.
Complex Types are listed and defined In 4.
Closed Code Lists (see fL9) are a normative part of this document and shall be supported by applications conformant with this document. They are similar to Open Code Lists, except that Closed Code Lists of values are expected to be relatively comprehensive and stable. Therefore, no online version of these lists shall be made available. However, new closed code scheme elements and code values may be added to the future versions of this document.
Date and time shall always be provided in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mrn:ssZ as specified by ISO 8601. When time Is not significant, e.g. when a due date Is given, use 23:59:59Z to Indicate the time, for example, 201 3-05-1 5T23:59:59Z,
Use of the identifiers in Table BA shall be according to the referred standards: ISIL according to ISO 15511, ISBN according to ISO 2108, ISSN according to ISO 3297 and ISMN according to ISO 10957.
Use of the symbols In Table 7 shall be according to the referred standards: currency symbol to ISO 4217, region symbol to ISO 3166-2 and country symbol to ISO 3166-1,
4.2 Request
The Request contains information about the item and service requested.
The Request is sent from the requesting agency to the supplying agency
The Request Contains some or all of the following groups of data elements as shown In Table 1.
— Header: administrative information
— Hibliographiclnfa: details of the item being requested
— Publicationinfo: Information about the publication
— Servicelnfo: details of the service being requested
— Supplierlnfo: list of potential suppliers
— Requested Deliverylnfo: where and how to send the item
— RequestingAgencyinfo: details about the requesting agency
— Patronlnfo: details about the patron
— Hhllinginfo: how to charge the requesting agency.