ISO 15928-2 pdf download – Houses- Description of performance —Part 2: Structural serviceability

ISO 15928-2 pdf download – Houses- Description of performance —Part 2: Structural serviceability

ISO 15928-2 pdf download – Houses- Description of performance —Part 2: Structural serviceability.
:structural servlceabil.ty) group of variables used to quantitatively descnbe the structural serviceabdity performance
NOTE Structural parameters consist of vañatites descrding (i) magnitudes of the actions, (II) magnitudes of structural response and (Ni) other condeions that may effect the structural serviceability performance.
fixture, such as sheMng, cupboards, equipment. etc., that is permanently fixed to the ceilings, walls. etc., of a house
beiiavioix of houses related to users needs
hydraulic, mechanical eleclrical device that is provided for use within a house
part of a house that can be identified
EXAMPIE Floor, wall
NOTE Includes fixtures,
structural serviceability performance
structural behaviour 01 a house for normal use under all expected actions that might affect the occants and the functioning of the house
4 Structural serviceability performance
4.1 User needs
The following characteristics of a house, for normal use and conditions, under all expected actions. should be kept within levels acceptable to the user
a) functioning and appearance of the house and its components:
b) functioning of the occupants in the house:
c) functioning of the equipment in the house;
d) comfort of the occupants;
e) asset value of the house,
NOTE The relative importance of each or these characteristics vanes and is reflected in the performance requirements that ere specified.
5.1.11 Ground conditions and movements
The ground conditions and movements are descnbed by stating the following:
a) representative values of bearing capacity, either as an allowable or ultimate value, expressed in klloriewtons per square metre. for a given total and differential settlement, expressed In millimetres;
b) nature and magnitude of expected ground movements, expressed in millimetres, expressed both as a total surface movement and as a differential movement, arising from swelling, consolidation, shrinkage or settlement of the subsoll:
C) representative stiffness of the soil, expressed in millimetres per kilopascal;
d) diameter, expressed in metres, and location of any soft spot over wiicti a loss of support to the house is likely to occur, or me distance from the perimeter of the house over whIch a loss of support Is kkety to occur.
5.2 Parameters for describing structural responses
5.2.1 General
For sevvlceabllify considerations, structural responses under the effects of the actions can be descnbecl in terms of parameters representing deformations, vibrations and local damages.
NOTE For design speofication, structural servceabikty toils under the effects of the actions can be described in terms of toiling values that a’s based on characteristic values and partial factors for materials, These values shil Lale Into accOunt of the variability of llie material properties end the level of reaability for serviceability toil states and the frequency of the actions.
5.2.2 DeformatIon Deflection
Defleclions (vertically, horizontally, in-plane, out-of-plane. terminal and medial) are described in terms of the following:
a) deflection to span ratio or deflection over a defined length;
b) deflection to storey height ratio;
C) absolute value, expressed in mlllimetres
NOTE 1 Deflection can also be use as a measure of rotation or curvature.
NOTE 2 ISO 4358171 provides information on deformation of builctogs at the serviceability lintit states NOTE 3 Deflection can be d.armbed as elastic deformation andloi permanent deformation (non-residual/residual). Consideration should be given to long-term and short-term effects, e.g. creep.
5.2.22 Tilt
Tilting is descnbed in terms of angular distodions.
5.2.3 Vibration
Vibration response is described in terms of the following:
a) frequency, expressed In hertz;
b) acceleraEn, expressed in metres per square second, velocity, expressed in metres per second, and displacement, expressed in millimetres.