ISO 15797 pdf download – Textiles — Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear

ISO 15797 pdf download – Textiles — Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear

ISO 15797 pdf download – Textiles — Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Washer/extractor, with the following characteristics:
a) front- or side-loading open pocket horizontal rotating drum type;
b) cage volume: 220 I to 250 I;
c) diameter of cage: 750 mm to 850 mm;
d) depth of cage: 400 mm to 600 mm;
e) ratio (diameter of cage to depth of cage): 1,5± 15%;
1) dead volume: 101 to 201;
g) lilting vanes (ribs): three; cacti having a height 10 % to 12 % of the diameter of cage; base width <100 mm; h) heating: direct steam or electric, thermostatically controlled; I) g-factors: wash 0,75 ± 10 %; drain 0,75 ± 10 %; interspin 50 to 100; final extraction 250 to 350, ) programmable extract speeds; k) reversible action, (5 to 10) revolutions In one direction, then reverse; I) time rotating at full washing speed to total washing time: 80 %. 5.2 Tumble dryer, with the following characteristics: a) air vented batch drying tumbler with a system for detecting the moisture content of the exhaust air to a tolerance of ±5 %; b) thermostatically controlled heating; c) diameter of cage: 900mm to 1100mm; d) depth of cage: 630 mm to 1 000 mm; e) cage volume: 6001 to 7201; f) g-factor: 0,7 to 1,0; g) reversing action: yes; h) nominal evaporation rate: 45 I/h ± 20%; i) radial alrstream: yes; j) perforated drum: yes. 5.3 FInisher, with the following charac-teristics: a) hatch-loaded steam cabinet; b) capacity: (8 to 18) pieces/garment; c) spray steam pressure: 2 bar to S bar (200 kPa to 500 kPa); d) specific volume flow (within cabinet): 6 900 m3/m2 h to 8 900 m3/mZ h; e) direction of air flow: top to bottom;