ISO 15797 pdf download – Textiles一Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear

ISO 15797 pdf download – Textiles一Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear

ISO 15797 pdf download – Textiles一Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear.
C) Diameter of ca9e: 750 mm to 850 mm,
d) Depth of cage- 400 mm to 600 mm.
C) Ratio (diameter of cage 10 depth of cage): 1.5 1 15%.
1) Deadvolume:lOlto2Ol.
g) Lifting vanes (ribs): three; each having a height 10% to 12% of diameter of cage: base width < 100 mm. h) Heating; direct steam, thermostatically controlled. I) g-factors: wash 0.75 ± 10%; drain 0,75 ± 10%; interspin 50 to 100; final extraction 250 to 350. j) Programmable extract speeds. k) Reversible action. 5 to 10 revolutions in one direction, then reverse. I) lime rotating at full washing speed to total washing time; 80%. 5.2 Tumble dryer a) Air vented batch drying tumbler with a system for detecting the moisture content of the exhaust air to a tolerance ot ±5%. b) Thermostaticaliy-controlled nealing. c) Diameter of cage: 900mm to 1100 mm. d) Depth of cage: 630mm to 1 000 mm. e) Cage volume; 600 Ito 7201. 1) 9-factor 0,7tol,0. g) Revesing action: yes. h) Nominal evaporation rate: 45 IIh ± 20%. I) Radial airstream: yes. j) Perforated ckum: yes. k) Perforated cage: yes. 5.3 FInisher a) Batch-loaded steam cabinet. b) Capacity: 8 to 18 p.ecesgarments. C) Spray steam pressure: 2 bar to 5 bar (200 kPa to 500 kPa). d) Specific volume flow (within cabinet): 6 900 m3/m2 h to 8 900 m3/m2 h. e) Direction of air flow: top to bottom. I) Temperature setting; adjustable. g) Inlet temperature: 160 C option required. h) Distance from hanger to hanger: 75mm ± 10mm. 5.4 LoadIng ballast Conststing of clean workwear garments (lab coats, bib and brace, overalls, jackets, trousers and boilersuits) not previously washed more than 100 times and similar to the type of garment and fabric of the specimen (e.g. polyestercotton or cotton), and the colour (e.g. white, coloured or fluorescent coloured). In cases where the ballast material may have a significant influence on the test result. the whole loading ballast shaH consist of the specimen material. e.g. when testing contrasting colours or multicoloured material in texliles, Place the temperature sensor bead on the test specimen surface at a ckstance of 150 mm to 200mm from the top edge of the hanger (see Figure & 1). The temperature sensor shall be fixed on the specimen surtace. ensurwig correct measurements by sh.eldirig it from ambient a. stream temperature (see Figure A.2). Fixing could be made with siitable adhesive tape, two stitches or appropriate clqs. The temperature sensor bead shall be placed close to the specimen surface in the cool boundary phase (see Figure A .3). When temperature strips are used, a calibration cycle per load should be made to adjust the suitable drying time. In case certain zones on a specimen are to be tested (e.g. seams), the temperature shall also be determined at these areas.