ISO 15593 pdf download – Environmental tobacco smoke— Estimation of its contribution to respirablesuspended particles – Determination of particulate matter by ultraviolet absorbance and by fluorescence

ISO 15593 pdf download – Environmental tobacco smoke— Estimation of its contribution to respirablesuspended particles – Determination of particulate matter by ultraviolet absorbance and by fluorescence

ISO 15593 pdf download – Environmental tobacco smoke— Estimation of its contribution to respirablesuspended particles – Determination of particulate matter by ultraviolet absorbance and by fluorescence.
surrogate standard
chemical whose concentration has been related quantitatively to a known concentration in the solution 01 ETS-PM
EXAMPLES 2.2’.4,4’-Tevahydroxybenzopiienone (ThBP) for LJVPM: scopolefri for FPM.
4 Principle
A known volume of air is &awn through an inertial impactor er cyclone separating at 4,0 lIm, thus separating the respirable suspended particles (RSPf from the total suspended paruculale matter, It is then &awn through a litter cassette containing a polytetratluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filter. The RSP are collected on the fitter, followed by gravimetric determination of the mass of RSP so collected. The RSP are extracted from the filter for the determination of UVPM and FPM by absorbance and fluorescence measurements, respectively, using highperlormance Iquid chromatography (HPLC) apparatus,
If HPLC apparatus is not available. absoitance and fluorescence may be measured by a spectrometer with the addition of a note wi the expression of results.
5 Limits and detection
The methods specified in this International Standard allow the estimation of RSP content to within the following limits. At a sampling rate of 2 I mm over I h, the UVPM test method shows limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOG) of 2.5 pgrn3 and 8.3 iig/m5. respectively. Under the same conditions, the FPM method shows an 100 and LOG of 1,4 pWn,3 and 4,7 pg/rn3, respectively.
6 Reagents
All reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade. Water shall be in accordance with at least grade 3 of
ISO 3696.
6.1 Methanol. HPLC grade.
6.6.3 WorkIng standards of TIIBP
Prepare five working standards covering the expected concentration range of the samples by transferring defined volumes of the secondary standard (6.6.2) to 100 ml volumetric flasks, diluting to the mark with methanol, and shaking to mix.
Typical volumes used are I ml, 2 ml. 5 ml, 10 ml. 20 ml and 40 ml that yield UVPM standards of THBP content of 0.16 g/ml. 0,32 pg/mI. 0,80 pg/mI. 1.60 pg/mI. 3.20 pg’ml and 6.40 pg/mI, respectively. Of these, select either the five lowest or the five highest in concentration to cover the expected range of samples.
6.7 FPM surrogate standard solutions
Store all standard solutions In low-actinic borosilicate glass screw-cap jars In a refrigerator (at about 4 C) when not in use Prepare fresh standards from scopoletin at least every 6 months.
6.7.1 Primary standard of scopoletin (350 pg/mI). prepared by weighing 35 mg of scopolelin (assuming 100% punty scopoletln (6.3)1 directly into a 100 ml volumetric flask, diluting to the mark with methanol, and shaking to mix.
6.7.2 Secondary standard of scopoletin (3,50 pg/mI), prepared by transferring 1.00 ml of the imary standard (6.7.1) to a 100 ml volumetric flask, diluting to the mark with methanol, and shaking to mix. Thés secondary standard is also the highest level working standard.
6.7.3 TertIary standard of scopolelin (0.350 pg/mI). prepared by transferring 10,00 ml of the secondary standard (6.7,2) to a 100 ml volumetric flask, diluting to the mark with methanol, and shaking to mix. This tertiary standard is also one of the workmg standards.
6.7.4 Working standards of scopoletin
Prepare five working standards covering the expected concentration range of the samples by transferring defined volumes of the secondary standard (6.7.2) and the tertiary standard (6.7.3)10 100 ml volumetric flasks, diluting to the mark with methanol, and shaking to mix.
Typical vob.jrnes used are I ml and 3 ml of the terliary standard and I ml. 3 ml and 30 ml of the secondary standard, that yield FPM standards of scopolelin content of 0,0035 pg/mI. 0.0105 pg/mI, 0,035 pg/mI, 0,105 pg/mI, 0,350 pg/mI (the ter1ary standardl, 1.05 pg/mI and 3,50 pgml (the secondary standard). From this range of working standards, select either the five lowest or the five highest levels to cover the expected concentration range of the samples.
6.8 Glycerol solution
Prepare an aqueous solution of glycerol with a mass fraction of 80,0% by mixing 800 g of glycerol (6.4) with 200g
distilled, deionized water. Prepare a fresh solution at least every 12 months.
7 Apparatus
Usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following items.