ISO 15513 pdf download – Cranes-Competency requirements forcrane drivers (operators), slingers, signallers and assessors

ISO 15513 pdf download – Cranes-Competency requirements forcrane drivers (operators), slingers, signallers and assessors

ISO 15513 pdf download – Cranes-Competency requirements forcrane drivers (operators), slingers, signallers and assessors.
4.2 Written assessment
Where the assessment process wickdes a written assessment paper, the following criteria shall be observed.
a) The written assessment should be constructed to not exceed a duration o160 mm.
b) Sufficient lime shall be given to a candidate to complete the lest.
NOTE It the assessor becomes awaie the candidate has a written-Language delloency. adiitlon Ime may be permitted to correte the per.
c) Assistance may be given to the candidate with a written-language deficiency. Any person rendenrig such assistance shall not prompt the candidate nor he the candidate m any other way. If the candidate has limited literacy skills, the answers may be accepted orally. In this case the assessor shall record all answers. In some certificate classes. specif literacy skills are required to meet the competencles. I.e. estimation or calculation of loads or reading of a load chart. In these situations, oral assistance shall not be rendered.
d) The candidate shall be suitably proficient in the language to be able to read the questions set in the assessment without assistance.
e) The candidate shall express the technical requirements for the assessment in a manner in which they can be correctly interpreted. Incorrect spellmg or grammar shall not prejudice the result of the assessment.
f) II additional time or assistance has been permitted, this shall be clearty stated, with the reason, on the Assessment Report.
4.3 Oral assessment
Where the candidate has limited spoken ability of the language of the assessment, the assessor should provide
additional explanation, without compromising the assessment, at a level appropriate to the work and equment.
4.4 Results
In order to be considered ‘Competent, the candidates shall achieve sufficient marks wi every area and section to demonstrate competence, A candidate who does not attain such a result shall be considered Not Yet Competenr and marked accordingly.
4.5 Reassessment
Where an assessment indicates “Not Yet Competent” in an area or section of the paper, the candidate may be
reassessed for that area or section only after additional training in that area or section.
5 Competency requirements
5.1 General
Subclauses 5.2. 5.3 and 54 detail the parameters for assessing the skiKs and knowledge of the crane driver
(operator), slinger and signaller.
5.2 Competency requirements for the crane driver (operator)
5.2.1 General
The requirements are subdivided into the following competency units:
Performance criteria:
a) the crane Is shut down using me correct sequence of procedures In accordance with manufacturer’s instructions;
b) routine post-operational equipment checks are carried out “i accordance with the checkkst provided for the crane:
c) the relevant motion locks and brakes are applied:
d) all lilting equipment is checked In consultation with associated personnel for any signs of wear or damage in accordance with the appropriate standard. All defects shall be correctly recorded in the relevant log book:
et all damaged equipment is segregated and reported to an authorized person for corrective action or replacement. M defects shall be correctly recorded ii the relevant log book;
1) the crane and equipment are correctly stowed and secured in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and the appropriate standard.
5.23 Competency unIt 2 — Secur. and transfer load Element of competence — Secure load
Performance criteria:
a) the mass ot the load and rigging in use is correctly assessed in consultation with associated personnel:
b) the sling configuration and choice of lifting gear are checked, in consultation with associated personnel, to ensure:
— they are appropriate for sale operation,
they will not damage the load,
— they satisty the requirements of the appropriate standard.
— corrective action is taken when required.
all defects are correctly recorded in the relevant log book.
C) the use of packing or dunnage to protect the load or to facilitate the connection of lilting gear is checked for correct application in consultation with associated personnel. Corrective action is taken if required.