ISO 14975 pdf download – Surface chemical analysis -Information formats

ISO 14975 pdf download – Surface chemical analysis -Information formats

ISO 14975 pdf download – Surface chemical analysis -Information formats. Contents of calibration information package
The cahbralion Information package consists of the following items shown ii bold, on contiguous lines of the text tile. Bold items ai’e defined en 5.3.2. All Items shaH be present and in the order given.
calibration Information format identifIer energy scale calibration intensity scale calibration resolution calibration
end of calIbration information format dentileer
53.1.3 Contents of data processing information package
The data processing information package consists of the following items shown in bold, on contiguous lines of the text ide. Bold items are defined in 5.32. All items shal be present and in the order given.
data processing Information format Identif let data-handling procedure
end of data processing Information format Identifier
5.3.2 DefInition of the Items In the formats SpecImen Information format
Items In bold not defined here are defined in 5.2. Texts In Italic characters enclosed by quotation marks are used to code the format, although they do not appear in italics in the formatted data. IUPAC nomenclature and CAS registry number are referred to to code the format.
specimen Information format Identifier is the text line:
‘fiSO_Spec,menjnformation_FoirmaL 1998_October_ 15j
host material Is a text line. This text line starts with host maferiai=’, followed by a generic desalptlon of the specimen. For layered structures, the host material is the bulk substance near the surface.
IUPAC chemical name is a text line, This text line starts with ‘iVPAC_cflemicaJ_name, followed by the IUPAC chemical name at the host material or. if there is no speczficaban. followed by none. unknown or N’A’.
chemical abstracts regIstry number is a text line This text line starts with c.hemAcaLab5tracts_regjstry_number followed by the CAS registry number of the host material or, if there is no specification, followed by none’, unknown or ‘N.”A.
host material compositIon is a text line. This text line starts with ho 1_maIerf&con1pos,tton=. followed by the list of the principal elements present or the chemal fotmuia When the principal elements’ names are used, the composition is given by a real number followed by mass%” or atomic%. If the composition cannot be specified, use instead of a real number.
bulk purity is a text line. This text line starts with “buJk,purity=, followed by the purity of the material and guarantor (If possible) or. If there is no specification, followed by unknown’ or ‘N/A. The pndty Is given by a real number, and the units acceptable are mass% and atomic%, The units shall be given, An expression like 4N is not acceptable.
crystallinity is a text line. This text line starts with crystallinity—”, followed by “single” (single crystal, together with Miller indices of the surface connected by “_“) or “poly” (polycrystalline) or “amorphous” or “unknown” or “N/A” or another descripton of the crystallinity of the specimen it none of these is appropriate. This may be followed by a comment, provided the comment is preceded by “;“.
material family is a text line. This text line starts with ‘materiaL family=”, followed by “metar or inorganic” (inorganic compound) or “organic” (organic compound) or “polymer” or “semi” (semiconductor) or “blo” (biological material) or “Composite” or “super_conductive” (super-conductive material) or another description of the crystallinity of the specimen if none of these is appropriate. This may be followed by a comment, provided the comment is preceded by “;.
special material classes is a text line. This text line starts with special_material_classes=”, followed by “rod” (rod or ingot) or “sheet” [sheet or foil (without substrate)] or “film_single” [single-layer thin film or coating (on substrate)] or film multi” [multi-layered thin film or multi-layered coating (on substrate)] or “sinter (sintered material) or ‘water” or “powder” or fibre” or another description of the special material class of the specimen if none of these is appropriate. This may be followed by a comment, provided the comment is preceded by “;“.