ISO 14877 pdf download – Protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations using granular abrasives

ISO 14877 pdf download – Protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations using granular abrasives

ISO 14877 pdf download – Protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations using granular abrasives.
4.27 DexterIty for abrasive blasting operations
When tested Ii accordance with 52.5. the dexterity shall meet at least performance level I In accordance with
EN 420:1994 This corresponds to a pin diameter of 11 mm.
4.3 Requirements for protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations
4.3.1 Types
Three types of protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations shall be defined:
type 1; Protective clothing that protects the body or paris of the body agawist the abrasive as well as materials produced by the abrasive blasting operation. This type of protective clothing Is independent from respiratory protective equipment.
type 2: Protective clothing that protects the body or parts of the body agamst the abrasive as well as materials produced by the abrasive blasting operation. This type of protective clothing is a combination with a suitable respiratory prolective device.
type 3: Protective clothing that protects the entire body of the user against the abrasive as well as materials produced by the abrasive blasting operation and that is dust•tight. This type of protective clothing is a combination with a suitable respiratory protective device,
4.3.2 General requirements for protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations (all types)
43.2.1 Dimensional changes of the clothing materials
When tested in accordance with 5.3.2, the driensional change of the clothing materials shall meet the requirements specified in EN 340. Breaking strength of the clothing materials
When tested in accordance with 5.3.3. the breaking strength of the clothing materials shall be at least 450 N in the two principal directions, This requirement does not apply to materials with an elongation at breai exceeding 50%.
5.3.3 BreakiIng strength of clothing materials
The breaking strength shall be tested in accordance with ISO 1421 for coated materials and EN ISO 13934-1 for wover materials. In the case of difficulties when cutting off the threads at the edges, the test in accordance with EN ISO 13934-1 shall be repeated. The clamp shall move at a rate of (100 ± 10) mmimiri.
5.3.4 Seam strength of clothing materials
The seani strength shall be tested in accordance wtth EN ISO 13934-2.
5.3.5 Puncture resistance of clothing materials
The puncture resistance of clothing materials shall be tested in accordance with the method descnbed in EN 863.
5.3.6 Tear resistance of clothing materials
The tear resistance of woven clothing materials shall be tested in accordance with EN ISO 13937-2. The tear resistance of coated clothing materials shall be tested in accordance with ISO 4674, method A.2. The clamps shall move at a rate of (100 ± 10) mm/mm.
5.3.7 Resistance of the protective clothing material against abrasives Test Principle
The protective clothing and underwear is put on a test dummy and exposed to the abrasive with a specified
pressure and from a specified distance, thus swnulating the exposure of the protective clothing to abrasives Test apparatus Test dummy
A suitable dummy made from smooth material with a Shore A hardness of  90 and a continuous surface. AbrasIve
Angular steel grit, with a grain size of 0.6 mm to 1,0 mm. which shall be used lot no more than two tests Blasting nozzle
A venturi nozzle, in accordance with Figure 1.
NOTE Inlcxmation on the sply souroes of a suitable nozzle can be obtained from the secretariat of CEN!TC 79. Supply of compressed air
Positive pressure ot4 bar at me outlet of the nozzle: a continuous 110w shall be ensured. Undergarment for the test dummy
White undergarment with long sleeves and long legs, made from a rib knitted cotton material with a weight of (160± 10)g/m2. Procedure
Put the underwear and the protective clothing on the test dummy.
Prepare the nozzle(s), air supply and abrasive for operation.Fit the checking device (Figure 2) to the outlet of thenozzle (Figure 1) securing it with a screw at point Y.Using a gauge at point X of the checking device, measure theblasting pressure, and adjust the supply to give a reading of 4 bar. Remove the checking device before the test.NOTEIn order to ensure a constant flow of material , the jet should be turmed away at an angle of 45R for 15 s prior to being directed at the test dummy.