ISO 14620-3 pdf download – Space systems一Safety requirements一 Part 3: Flight safety systems

ISO 14620-3 pdf download – Space systems一Safety requirements一 Part 3: Flight safety systems

ISO 14620-3 pdf download – Space systems一Safety requirements一 Part 3: Flight safety systems.
5.3 All launch vehicles shall incorporate TDTSs for monitoring vehicle performance data and the FTS and tracking system status that are capable of functioning throughout the launch phase until the end of range safety responsibility.
5.4 Any launch vehicle having a stage, motor or component capable of violating the defined safety envelope shall be equipped with an FTS that interrupts the flight of the vehicle il it diverts from its predicted flight trajectory and has sufficient energy to become a threat to public safety.
5.5 All the Fl’Ss. telemetry and tracking systems of launch vehicles shall be compatible with applicable spaceport and/or range ground equipment.
5.6 The inability to accurately ascertain the vehicle’s position shall be a criterion for stopping the launch countdown.
5.7 If the ability to accurately determine the location of the vehicle is lost after launch, this normally requires initiation of FTS action, unless otherwise specified in the mission rules or range safety operational procedures.
5.8 For launch vehicles and payloads containing radioactive materials, proof of compliance with all appropriate regulations governing radioactive materials shall he provided.
6 Flight termination system requirements
6.1 General
6.1.1 Any launch vehicle where a malfunction of the vehicle or any stage, motor, payload or component can generate an unacceptable hazard to public safety shall contain F7Ss.
6.1.2 All launch vehicle stages capable of violating the defined flight safety envelope shall contain FTSs.
6.13 The FTS flight equipment reliability shall be not less than 0,999 or shall conform to quantitative flIght safety requirements as required In ISO 14620-2, ii the latter requirements are more stringent. This reliability should be established by analysis of all components and supporting test data. The reliability of FTS ground equipment (including the radio-frequency propagation path as far as the launch vehicle) shall be compatible with the reliability requirements of the flight hardware.
6.1.4 The FTS, including monitoring and checkout circuits, shall be designed to eliminate the possibility of an SFP inhibiting the function of the system or causing an undesired output of the system This requirement shall be verified by performing an SFP analysis.
6.1.5 The FTS shall make non-propulsive all propulsive systems of the vehicle.
b) if the ability to accurately determine the location of the vehicle is lost, unless otherwise specified in the mission rules or range safety operational procedures.
6.4.8 All GSE that Is a part of the FSS shall be maintained In a conriguration control system.
7 Range tracking system requirements
7.1 Description
The RTS is an Integral part of the FSS which assists flight safety operators in analysing Flight data and protecting the public front errant vehicle flights.
7.2 Requirements
7.2.1 All launch vehicles and suborbital vehicles shall have an approved means of tracking the vehicles trajectory throughout the launch phase and mission.
The RTS may use various ground-based or vehicle•incorporated tracking modes to provide accurate tracking information,
7.2.2 The RTS shall provide real-time data from which position, direction and velocity can be determined.
7.2.3 The RTS shall be designed to operate under the worst predicted flight environment.
7.2.4 The RTS shall be protected from internal and external interference, such as clectroniagnetic energy, which can inhibit the operation of the system.
NOTE This protection can be achieved by physical or electrical protection systems or procedures.
7.2.5 The RTS shall provide real-time indications of position and velocity of the launch vehicle.
7.2.6 All RTS electrical flight componentx shall have their operating and storage life specihed.
7.2.7 Electrical components used in any RTS mission shall not exceed their specified storage lire.
7.2.8 Space-based translators or receivers, such as GNSS, shall be independent of any on-board guidance system.
7.2.9 The RTS transponder system reliability shall be not less than 0,995 or shall conform to quantitative flight safety requirements as required in ISO 14620-2, if the latter requirements are more stringent. This reliability should be established by analysis of all components and supporting test data.