ISO 14246 pdf download – Gas cylinders一Cylinder valves一 Manufacturing tests and examinations

ISO 14246 pdf download – Gas cylinders一Cylinder valves一 Manufacturing tests and examinations

ISO 14246 pdf download – Gas cylinders一Cylinder valves一 Manufacturing tests and examinations.
quantity of valves of the same type tested design and production order, which Is produced as a controlled number in a specified time period
quantity of valves selected from a batch (IS) according to a recognized sampling procedure
Note 1 to entry: The ISO 2859 series specifies sampling procedures for Inspection.
4 Cleanliness
The manufacturing process including all tests shall be such that the valves are supplied clean and dry to meet the requirements of the intended service, e.g. see ISO 15001 For medical applications.
Gas wetted components of valves for oxygen and other oxidizing gases (see ISO 10156) shall be clean of oil and grease so that the level of hydrocarbon contamination is not greater than 220 mg/rn2. In addition, components shall be free from particles of a size larger than 200 pm. This shall be verified by an appropriate method. e.g. as given in ISO 15001.
Consideration shall be given to minimize the introduction of particles and the risk of contamination during the assembly process.
S Manufacturing tests and examinations
5.1 General
Tests and examinations performed to demonstrate compliance with this document shall be conducted using Instruments calibrated before being put Into service and thereafter according to an established programme.
Manufacturing tests and examinations, which are further specified in £3. £4 and £5. shall Include:
— tests to be performed on each valve;
— inspections and examinations to he performed on a sample, and verification of the batch documentation;
5.5 Procedures to verily materials of construction and components
Manufacturers shall implement a quality management system that includes their suppliers, subcontractors, third•party laboratories and their own lacihiles (If necessary) with the aim of ensuring thai metallic and non-metallic materials of the correct and proven specifications, as well as components. are incorporated into valves as per their design, type tested in accordance with ISO 10297.
The following test protocol can be appiled for valves for rndustrlal service.
a) Set the valve in the open condition with the valve outlet connection sealed, Apply the valve test pressure through the valve Inlet gas passage. Check for any external leakage.
b) With the valve outlet connection remaining sealed, close the valve under the applied valve test pressure with the closing torque specified by the manufacturer but not exceeding 7rt as used during type testing in accordance with ISO 10297. Remove the seal from the valve outlet connection and verify the release oltrapped gas from the valve outlet connection. This procedure ensures that the valve was not in a closed condition before the test and that the valve has a through passage.
c) With the valve remaining in the same closed condition as above, check at the valve outlet connection for any internal leakage across the valve seat.