ISO 11602-1 pdf download – Fire protection- Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers — Part 1: Selection and installation

ISO 11602-1 pdf download – Fire protection- Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers — Part 1: Selection and installation

ISO 11602-1 pdf download – Fire protection- Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers — Part 1: Selection and installation.
NOTE It provides for the tramfer of pander fran, an extinguisher to a recovery contawer that is dosed to prevent the loss of media to the atmosphere.
closed recovery system for halon
system that provides for the transfer of halon between extinguishers, supply containers, and recharge and recovery containers so that the escape of halon to the atmosphere is minimized
competent person
person with the necessary training and experience and with access to the requisite tools, equq)ment, parts and informahon (including the manufacturers service manual) to be capable of carrying out the lnspeclcn. maintenance and recharging procedures of this pan of ISO 11602
NOTE See agnes A of ISO I t602-22000
film-formIng media
aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) and fdm-formrng fluoroprotein foam (FFFP) types, including grades suitable for polar solvents (water-soluble flammable liquids), and those not suitable for polar solvents
fire extinguisher
portable or wheeled tire extinguisher
NOTE “Fire extinguishers” are referred to as extinguishers in this part of 150 It 602
3.6 Hazards
Clan A hazard
occtqancies or fuel sources where Class A fires, involving materials such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber and many plastics, may be expected to develop
Class B hazard
fuel sources wnere Class B fires, involving materials such as oils, greases and paints, may be expected to develop
Class C hazard
fuel sources where Class C tires, involving materials such as natural and propane gas, may be anticipated
Class 0 hazard
fuel sources where Class D fires, involving materials such as magnesium, sodium and potassium. may be anficipated
high-pressure cylinder
cybnder having a service pressure higher than 2,5 MPa at 20 °C
brief examination to ensure that an extinguisher is available and will operate
NOTE This is intended to give reasonable assurance hat the extinguisher is fully charged and operable This is done by seeing mat it Is In its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tampered with, and that there Is no obvious damage or condition to prevent its operation.
4.3 The classification and rating systems referenced in this part of ISO 11602 are those descrted in ISO 7165 and ISO 11601.
4.4 Extinguishers used to comply with this part of ISO 11602 shall be In aocondance with ISO 7165 and ISO 11601.
4.5 The identification of the certification organization, the flreextinguishing classification and rating and the performance standard that the exlinquisher meets are clearly marked on each exlinguisher.
5 General requirements
5.1 ExtInguishers shall be maintained In a fully charged and operable condition, and shall be kept In their desIgnated places at all times when they are not being used.
5.2 Extinguishers shal be conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible arid immediately available in the event of fire. Preferably they shall be located along normal paths of travel, mduding exits from areas.
5.3 Cabinets housing extinguishers shall not be locked.
EXCEPTION: Where extinguishers are subject to vandalism, locked cabinets may be used provided they include means 01 emergency access.
5.4 Extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view
EXCEPTlON In large rooms and in certain locations where visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided. means shall be provided to indicate the location of the extinguishers.
5.5 Extinguishers shall be installed on hangers or in brackets, or mounted in cabinets, unless the extinguishers are of the wheeled type.
5.6 Extinguishers installed under conditions where they are sect to dislodgement shall be installed In specifically designed brackets.
5.7 Extinguishers installed under conditions where they may be subject to physical damage shall be protected from inpaci.
5.8 Extinguishers having a gross mass of 18 kg or less shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 1,5 m above the floor. Extinguishers having a gross mass greater than 18 kg (except wheeled types) shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 1,0 m above the floor. The clearance between the bottom of extinguishers mounted on hangers or brackets and the floor shall not be less than 3 cm.
5.9 When mounted or placed in their intended location, the operating instructions shall face outwards or towards the most likely direction of access.
5.10 Where extinguishers are installed in closed cabinets that are located outdoors, or are exposed to elevated temperatures. such cabinets shall be provided with ventilation openings.