ISO 11126-1 pdf download – Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products -Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives —Part 1: General introduction and classification

ISO 11126-1 pdf download – Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products -Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives —Part 1: General introduction and classification

ISO 11126-1 pdf download – Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products -Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives —Part 1: General introduction and classification.
4.3 Particle size range
Non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives consist of mixtures of differently sized particles. These shall be
classified Into size ranges.
5 DesIgnation of abrasives
Non-metallic abrasives shall be identified by using the full product designation which consists of the term “Abraslve followed by iSO 11126 and the abbreviation specified in Table 1. ThIs shall be followed, without spaces, by an oblique stroke and then by the symbol specified in Table 2 to indicate the required particle shape of the abrasive as purchased. The designation shall be completed by numbers denoting the particle size range, in millimetres. required.
Abrasive ISO 11126 N/CS/G 0,2-0,5
denotes an abrasive of the non-metallic coal furnace slag type, complying with the requirements of the appropriate part of ISO 11126, of Initial particle shape grit and particle size range 0,2 mm to 0,5 mm.
This full product designation shall be quoted on all orders.
6 Identification and marking
All supplies shall be clearly marked or identified, using the appropriate designation as specified In Uause5. either directly or by the accompanying delivery note.
Preparation of steel wbst rates before application of points and related products — Specifications for nonmetallic blast-cleaning abrasives
— Part 1: General introduction and classification
— Part 3: Copper refinery slug
— Part 4: Cool furnace slag
— PartS: Nickel slog
— Port 6: Iron and steel slags
— Part 7: Fused aluminium oxide
— Part 8: Olivine
— Part 9: Stourolite
— Part 10: Almandite garnet
ISO 11127 consIsts of the following parts, under the general tftle:
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Test methods for non. metallic blast-cleaning abrasives
— Part 1: Sampling
— Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution
— Part 3: Determination of apparent density
— Part 4: Assessment of hardness by a glass slide test
— PartS: Determination of moisture
— Part 6: Determination of water-soluble contaminants by conductivity measurement
— Part 7.- DetermInation of water-soluble chlorides.