ISO 11124-3 pdf download – Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products – Specifications for metallicblast-cleaning abrasives — Part 3: High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit

ISO 11124-3 pdf download – Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products – Specifications for metallicblast-cleaning abrasives — Part 3: High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit

ISO 11124-3 pdf download – Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products – Specifications for metallicblast-cleaning abrasives — Part 3: High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit.
shrinkage defect
inlernal cavity with a rough dcndrftic surface or a zone of micropurosity. considered undesirable when greater than 40% of the cross-sectional area of a particle
linear discontinuity that has a length-to-width ratio of 3:1 or greater, that extends over more than 20% of the diameter or shortest dimension of a particle and that is radial in direction
foreign matter
material or particles mixed with the abrasive which are not attached to the abrasive particles and which are nonniagnetic
4 Designation of abrasives
High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit shall he identified by Abrasive ISO 11124 and the abbreviation “M/HCS” indicating metallic, high-carbon cast-steel abrasive, The symbol S” or “G shall follow to Indicate the required particle shape of the shot or grit as purchasecL The designation shall be completed by a 3-digit number denoting the grade, or nominal particle size, required. If alternative hardnesses of abrasive are available, the particular Vickers hardness (HVJ range required shall be specified (see Example 2).
Abrasive ISO 11124 M/HCS/S140
denotes an abrasive of the metallic. high.carbon cast.stcel type, conforming to the requirements ot this document, of particle shape shot and grade 140 (i.e. nominal particle size 1,40mm).
Abrasive ISO 11124 M/HCS/G140/570-7IOHV
denotes an abrasive of the metallic, high-carbon cast-steel type, conforming to the requirements of this document, of particle shape grit and grade 140 (i.e. nominal particle size 1.40 mm). and with a hardness range of 570 HV to 710 H V.
This full product designation shall be quoted on all orders.
NOTE I Grade requirements and codes are specified In Tabbii. and 2. The grade code Is based on a 3-digit number indicating the nominal size of the particle size range, for eadi grade, expressed in millimetres 100.
NOTE 2 Annex A provides guidance on approximately equivalent grades and codings in other commonly referenced national standards for cast-metal abrasives.
5 Sampling
Sampling procedures shall be as specified in ISO 111251.
6 Requirements for high-carbon cast-steel shot and grit abrasives
The requirements for high-carbon cast-steel shot and grit abrasives shall be as specified in Table.3.
Commonly referenced national standards for metallic abrasives are based on different coding systemsfor particle size range or grade.
Approximately equivalent codings in some of these national standards are shown in Table A.1 and thenearest equivalent codings in ISo 11124 are shown alongside.
This list is informative and should not be taken as indicating that grades are equal. lt covers the fullrange of ISO 11124 codings.