ISO 10711 pdf download – lntelligent Transport Systems – InterfaceProtocol and Message Set Definition between Traffic Signal Controllers and Detectors

ISO 10711 pdf download – lntelligent Transport Systems – InterfaceProtocol and Message Set Definition between Traffic Signal Controllers and Detectors

ISO 10711 pdf download – lntelligent Transport Systems – InterfaceProtocol and Message Set Definition between Traffic Signal Controllers and Detectors.
2 Normative references
The foaowing referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition ated applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Iso 15784-3:2008, lntelkgent transport systems (ITS) — Data exchange invoMng roadside modules commun.catlon — Part 3: AppNcahon profile-data exchange (AP-DATEX)
ISO 14827-2:2005, Transport ,riformatjon and control systems — Data interfaces between centres for transport information and control systems — Part 2: DA TEX-ASN
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in Iso 15784-3 and the following apply,
occupancy based detector
detector that detects vehicles and traffic charactenstics based on the state of the occupancy using methods such as oop or magnetic detectors
image processing based detector
detector that detects vehicles based on the real-time image data from the digital camera which has virtual sensing leies for estimating queue length or other parameters in approaching lanes
vehicle identification based detector
detector that detects vehicle Identities based on wireless communication with tags or on-board units (081.1) in the vehicle. which transmits the vehicles identity information to the traffic signal controller
detection zone
area on the road surface where the target or the group 01 targets actuates the detector
NOTE Adapted from DSIENV 13563.
detector Information typ.
information type that designates the type of information from linked detectors which can be occupancy based, image processing based or vehicle identification based
direction dIscrImInation
direction of travel of a target within the detection zone
NOTE Adapted from OSIENV 13563,
4 Abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviated terms apply.
5 Interface protocol for traffic controller
5.1 Relationship to other standards
For the interface, this International Standd defines for each appication the scope of the
1) framework in the protocol stack,
2) object encoding rules, and
3) transportation management protocol.
The interface defined within this International Standard secures interoperability by adopting the lower layer of the protocol stack and specified standards lot encoding rules, transport management rules and data structures. The criteria for detector controller and traffic signal controNer define the designating method for the detectors
The information should be exchanged according to the protocol profile defined in ISO 15784-3 and
ISO 14827-2.
5.2 IdentIfication detector Index
5.2.1 Identification method
A traffic signal controller collects data from each connected detector controller using the message sets defined In this Inteinational Standard. Each detector controller reports Information about its detectors, with each detector identified by a unique sequential identifier However, since the traffic signal controller may be connected to multiple detector controllers, the traffic signal controller shall, where required, support a cross- reference table that translates the local detector identifier Into an identifier that Is unique lot the entire scope of the traffic signal operation, as shown In Figure 2.