ISO 06148 pdf download – Photography -Micrographic films, spools and cores Dimensions

ISO 06148 pdf download – Photography -Micrographic films, spools and cores Dimensions

ISO 06148 pdf download – Photography -Micrographic films, spools and cores Dimensions.
aim dlrnens4ort
preferred dimension at which the manufacturing process will be aimed or designed
diazo film
very low speed, high resolution, virluaUy grairiless imaging material consisting mainly or a polyester support coaled with a poInerlc binder containing diazonium salts and a dye precursor which can couple in the presence of a base (eg ammonia vapour) to form an azo dye
NOTE Exposure to LJV or other acteiic racahon causes decomposition 01 the diazonium salt and destruction of its dye foimmg capability. These properties are the basis of a chect-poaltive iinagm system. widely used for producing copies of ongmel silver microfilms or other masters with automatic pnnterprocesso.x that mcorporate UV exposure and ammoniadevelopng components.
flexible plastic material coated with a sensltlzed.gefatln layer (an emutslonf that can produce stable images upon light exposure followed by chemical processing
NOTE The flexible plastic material is usually transparent ceiose fri-acetate or polyester.
grid area
total area of the microfiche contained within the perimeter of the grid pattern
grid pattern
array of horizontal and vertical lines (usually not represented) which divides an area of a microform (usually a microfiche) Into spaces called frames
heading area
area at the top of a microfiche reserved for the heading
heading area coating
translucent coating applied to the whole surface of the heading area to provide a surface that accepts writing
microform in the shape of a rectangular sheet having one or more microlmages usually arranged in a gnd pattern, with a heading area across the top
generic term for any form, usually film, which contains microimages
process. equipment and functions of an information system involving microfilm images, recorded at a substantially reduced scale and viewed at appropriate magnification with the aid of optical or electronic display devices
nominal size
dimensions used in commerce for description 01 a product, as on product labels or in catalogues
NOTE Nominal sizes are given only In metric values In new and newly revised standards, but are often given in metric and inch values in countries where both are still in everyday use.
7.2 Preferred design
The preferred spool design specified In this International Standard calls for a single keyway n both flanges. This design results ii spool manufacturing economies because It permits a single flange design for 16mm and 35mm
7.3 Offset drive holes
The two offset drive holes (see Figure 1) are optional for born flanges 0(16 mm and 35mm microfilm spools. These drive holes assure correct orientation during loading in hardware utilizing the two-ive-pin design.
Because of plastic moulding technicNes in use, the offset drive holes may be rotated from the posibon shown in Figure 1 However, in spite of their appearance, these offset drive holes shall be functionally the same as those shown in Figure 1.
NOTE II two drive pins a used by hardware manulacturers. a round sprncle is required br the duomicror*n format to accept both metal and plastic spools.
7.4 DimensIon K
If rivet heads or other fastening devices extend beyond me outer surface of the flange, they should lie outside the K
diameter area (see Figure 1), but within the boundaries defined by the volume of the rotation diagram.
7.5 DImensions J and J1
Olmensions J and J1 represent the thickness and effective thickness, respectively, of the spool with a K diameter area, which is centred on the spindle hole axis of each flange.
7.6 DimensIon I’
A reference plane of rotation for each flange is defined by a plane perpendicular to the axis of the spindle and coincident with the surface of a flat stport of 15.0 mm (basic dimensionf. which is in contact with the flange and centred on the spindle hole axis of the ftange.
The dimension P is the distance measured outwardly from this reference plane of rotation to the plane of rotation generated by the thickest and most eccentric point on the flange outside the K diameter area when the spool is rotated on an accurate. tight.fitting spindle. This includes rivets or other fastening devices, variations In flange thickness, flatness, and Lateral runout of the flanges.