BS ISO 29845 pdf download – Technical product documentation — Document types

BS ISO 29845 pdf download – Technical product documentation — Document types

BS ISO 29845 pdf download – Technical product documentation — Document types.
outline drawing
drawing giving the outside perheral envelope, overall dimensions and mass of an object
NOTE Adted from ISO 10209-1:1992.
supplier drawing
drawing defining a part developed and owned by an external supplier
illustration drawing
drawing showing figures and sketches for any general purpose which is not covered by the more specific document types
space envelope drawing
drawing showing the maximum space which can occupied for an intended design solution and the geometrically significant nterface5 of components and assemblie5 which are not yet designed in detail
block plan
drawing which identifies a site and locates the outlines of construction works wi relation to a town plan or similar document
(ISO 10209-1:1992, 3.3J
site plan
layout drawing giving the position of construction works in relation to tire setting out points, the means of access and the general layout of a site
NOTE Adted from ISO 10209-1:1992,
part model
model In which the product described Is one single item
assembly model
model in which the product described is an assembly of iwo or more items
P50 16792:2006, 3.3J
installation model
model ii which the product described is an installation, showing parts or assemblies and a partial or complete representation of the installation site
(iSO 16792:2006, 3.17]
interference model
model thai shows the overall geometry and the space required as well as possible collisions
space envelope model
model showing the maximum space which can occupied for an intended design solution and the geometrically significant interfaces of components and assemblies which are not yet designed in detail
annotated design model
combination of design model, annotation and attributes that descrtes a product
overview diagram
diagram providing a comprehensive view ol an obqect with low degree of detailing
network map
overview diagram showing a network on a map
ISO 14617-15:2002, 3.2]
block diagram
overview diagram predominantly using block symbols
lSO 10209’4:1999,]
network diagram
overview diagram which shows the connections between different kinds of installations for transmitting 01 electriaty. fluids (e.g. water, gas) or healing/cooling, sewage syslem. telecommunications, equipment. etc.
NOTE Adapted from ISO 10209-4:1999.
circuit diagram
diagram providing information about the circuitry of an object(s)
(ISO 15519-12010,32.8)
function diagram
diagram providing information about the functional behaviour of a system
(ISO 15519-12010.32.1
process flow diagram
diagram illustrating the configuration of a process system or process plant by means of graphical symbols
1150 155l9-l:20t0, 3.2.6]
piping and instrumentation diagram P41 diagram
process flow agram representing the technical realization of a process system by means of graphcal symbols for equipment, connections and process measurement and control functions
1150 15519-t 2010, 32.9)
angular chart
chart showing the relation between the angular position of an object and the function
structure diagram
chart which shows the relation between different obecfs in a system or a pro&ct from different points of view presented graphically as a hierarchical tree
diagram showing the relation between variable quantifies, typically of two variables, each measured along a pair of lines at right angles
parts list
list of elements of an ot*ect(s)
IlSO 15519-1:2010, 3.2.l1j
document list
formally bullt- Inventory in which all relevant documents for a specific purpose are listed
presentation of the constituents in a product structure with the possibility to adopt the level of decomposition to actual need
sIgnal list
list providing Information about signals defined as input or output of functional units
coordinate data list
list providing information about certain positions on a part represented in a Cartesian coordinate system
apparatus list
fist providing Information about the constituent functional components included in a system
connection table
connection table lists the connections on different levels, internal and external, of the installation
document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines and characteristics or their results. aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order In a given context
(ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004. 3.2J
technical specification
document specifying the requirements for one specific part or for a group of parts with equal characteristics.
ldentification of existing controls should be made to avoid unnecessary work or cost, e.g. in the duplication ofcontrols. In addition, while identifying the existing controls, a check should be made to ensure that the controlsare working correctly – a reference to already existing ISMS audit reports should limit the time expended inthis task. lf a control does not work as expected, this may cause vulnerabilities. Consideration should be givento the situation where a selected control (or strategy) fails in operation and therefore complementary controlsare required to address the identified risk effectively. In an ISMS, according to lSO/IEC 27001,this issupported by the measurement of control effectiveness. A way to estimate the effect of the control is to seehow it reduces the threat likelihood and ease of exploiting the vulnerability,or impact of the incident.Management reviews and audit reports also provide information about the effectiveness of existing controls.Controls that are planned to be implemented according to the risk treatment implementation plans should beconsidered in the same way like those already implemented.
An existing or planned control might be identified as ineffective, or not sufficient, or not justified. lf not justifiedor not sufficient, the control should be checked to determine whether it should be removed, replaced byanother, more suitable control, or whether it should stay in place, for example, for cost reasons.
For the identification of existing or planned controls, the following activities can be helpful:
Reviewing documents containing information about the controls (for example,risk treatment
implementation plans). lf the processes of information security management are well documented allexisting or planned controls and the status of their implementation should be available.