BS ISO 06149-4 pdf download – Connections for fluidpower and generaluse —— Ports and studends with ISO 261metric threads andO-ring sealing一 Part 4: Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for externalhex and internal hex port plugs

BS ISO 06149-4 pdf download – Connections for fluidpower and generaluse —— Ports and studends with ISO 261metric threads andO-ring sealing一 Part 4: Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for externalhex and internal hex port plugs

BS ISO 06149-4 pdf download – Connections for fluidpower and generaluse —— Ports and studends with ISO 261metric threads andO-ring sealing一 Part 4: Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for externalhex and internal hex port plugs.
ISO 6149-2, Connections br fluid power and general use — Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 metric Threads and O.nrtg sealing — Part 2: Dimensions, design, test methods and reqthrements for heavyduty (S series) stud ends
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15010683, Fasteners — Non electrotylically applied zinc flake coatings
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3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5596 and the folowing apply.
stud end with no through hole br fluid passage, used to contain hydraulic fluid
4 Dimensions
4.1 Plug dimensions
External hex and internal hex plugs shall conform to the dimensions shown in Figures 1 and 2 and given in
Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
42 Hex tolerances
External hex tolerances across flats shall be in accordance with ISO 4759-1:2000, product grade C. Minimum across corner dimensions are 1.092 times the nominal width across flats. The minimum side flat is 0,43 times the norrwnal width across flats Internal hex tolerances across flats shall be in accordance with ISO 4759-1:2000, product grade A. External hex corners shall be chamfered 10 to 30 to a diameter equal to the width across flats, with a tolerance of 0
– mm.
4.3 Screw threads
The screw threads on the plug shall be metrc screw tweads conforming to ISO 261:1998. class 6g.
5 Requirements
5.1 Working pressures and working temperatures
External hex and internal hex plugs conforming to this part of ISO 6149 shall be suitable for use at the working pressures given in Table 3 when used at temperatures between -40 C and +120 C. For use at pressures and/or temperatures outside of this range, the manufacturer shall be consulted.
Plugs conforming to this part of ISO 6149 may contain efastomeric seals. Unless otherwise speafeed. plugs are made and delivered with elastomeric seals for use within the specified working temperature range with petroleum-based hydraulic fluids. The use of these plugs and elastomeric seals with other hydraulic fluids can result In a reduced working temperature range or can render the plugs unsuitable foe the application. Manufacturers may supply, upon request, plugs with etastomeric seals for use with hydrauhc fluids other than petroleum-based liydraubc fluids that meet the specified working temperature range of the plugs.
13 Identification statement (reference to this part of ISO 6149)
It is strongly recommended to manufacturers who have chosen to conform to this part of ISO 6149 that they use the following statement in test reports, catalogues and sales literature:
Port plugs conform to 1S06149-4:2006, COnneCPOnS for fluid power and general use — Pairs and stud ends th ISO 261 metric threads and 0-ring seating — Part 4: Dimensrons. design, test methods and requirements for external hex and nIernaI hex p06 plugs.