BS EN ISO 21530 pdf download – Dentistry —— Materialsused for dental equipment surfaces——Determination of resistance to chemical disinfectants

BS EN ISO 21530 pdf download – Dentistry —— Materialsused for dental equipment surfaces——Determination of resistance to chemical disinfectants

BS EN ISO 21530 pdf download – Dentistry —— Materialsused for dental equipment surfaces——Determination of resistance to chemical disinfectants.
5 Test methods
5.1 General
One or more of the three test methods described m 5.4. 5.5 and 5.6 shat be used. The party conckjcting the testing shall determine WhiCh test method(s) shall be used,
5.2 Preconditioning of test specimens
After preparing the test specriens for the intended use, testing shall be carried out under the following conditions
a) ambient temperature of (23 — 2) C, according to ISO 554
b) atmospheric humidity ol (50 t 5) %. accortng to ISO 554;
C) a’ pressure between 860 hPa and 1 060 hPa (between 645 mml4g and 795 mmHg). accordmg to ISO 554.
5.3 Preparation of test agent
Prepare the test agent according to the instnjctions for use provded by the manulacturec of the disinleclant agent. Annes A eves an Overview of commercially used disinlectants.
Surface disinleclants to be used as test agents shall not have passed thei expry date.
Test agents made from concentrates and water shall be prepared in chemically inert contaners. Water, in accordance with grade 3 of ISO 3696:1987, shall be used to prepare aqueous solutfons of the chsintectants.
5.4 Immersion test
5.4.1 Principle
Tesling shall be perlonned as described in ISO 2812-I.
During the immersion test, one test specimen shall be lolaty immersed into the test agent and one test specimen shal be partially immersed (approximately 50% of surface area) into the test agent. At least three tests are required (parallel testing of all test specirn.ns is possible). For the evaluation, one addieonal lest specimen shall be used as a reference speamen Record the changes in mass of the test specimens
M data (initial data. riterm data and final data) shall be recorded.
5.4.2 Reagents
Use the following reagents for conductirg the lest. Test agent prepared in accordance with 5,3. Water complying with grade 301 ISO 3696:1987.
54.5.2 Partial immersion
Place each test specimen ii a container. Then add the lest agent until approximately 50% of the surfaces of all
test specimens are covered with the test agenL Close the containers tightly and maintain at (23 — 2) “C. TIme period
The time period lot the immersion lest is 14 days +2 h. Replacement of test agent
Replace the test agent with a treshly prepared test agent every day except weeknds. Document and report in the test report any deviation from this SChduie.
5.4.6 Inspecllon General schedule
Assess the condition of the test specimens at one interim inspection and one SnaP inspection
Assess the condition of the totally immersed test specimens by visual, tactile arid avirietric testing.
Assess the condition of the partially immersed test specimens by visual and tactile inspection of the ioowing three areas of the test specimens:
a) immersed area.
b) non-immersed area;
c border area betiveen immersed arid non-immersed areas. Interim inspection
Perform the norm inspection after 7 days -‘- 2 has fellows.
Remove the test specimens from the lest ageni Immediately after removal, rinse the test specimens With freshly prepared test agent and rinse finally with water (54.2.2).
Place the test specimens on an abs&benl pad arid dry the test specimens with unheated air. After 15 mm. cany out visual inspection of time test specimens according to 6.2 and tactile inspection according to 6.3. and compare them with the reference specimens for any changes (e.g. discoloration, brkbies, changes m dimnensivn).
For totally immersed test specimens, deterrnane and record the mass of each specimen
For partially immersed test specimens. inspect the three surfaces specified in separately. according to
Continue the immersion test after the interim inspection, using freshly prepared test agent. Final inspection
Perform the final inspection after 14 days ±2 h.
Remove the lest specimens from the lest agent. Immediately after removal, rinse the test specmens will freshly prepared test agent and rinse lirmally with waler (