AWS D17.2:2019 pdf download

AWS D17.2:2019 pdf download

AWS D17.2:2019 pdf download.Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace Applications
1. General Requirements
1.1 Scope. This specification covers requirements for resistance spot and seam welding of the following metals and their alloys. 1.1.1 Material Groups Group 1- -Aluminum and magnesium Group 2- Steel, nickel, and cobalt Group 3- -Titanium 1.1.2 Classification. Classification is based on the following: Slosfesrid wsldpcniptorhese failure during any operating condition would cause loss of the equipment or system Class B一A welded joint whose failure would reduce the overall strength of the equipment or system or limit the intended functioning or use of equipment. Class C- -A welded joint for which no stress analysis is required and whose failure would not affect the performance of the equipment or system. 1.2 Units of Measure. This standard makes use ofboth U.S. Customary Units and the International System ofUnits (SI). The latter are shown within brackets ([ ]) or in appropriate columns in tables and figures. The measurements may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently. 1.3 Safety. Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the scope of this standard and therefore are not addressed herein. Safety and health information is available from the following sources: American Welding Society: (1) ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes (2) AWS Safety and Health Fact Sheets
3. Terms and Definitions
AWS A3.0M/A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions, provides the basis for terms and definitions used herein. However, the following terms and definitions are included below to accommodate usage specific to this document. close- spaced spot welds. Spot welds on sheet placed less than two diameters apart D as defined in Table 11), center to center. Such proximity may require more power than other spot welds. 旷 coring. Incipient melting adjacent to the nugget. Engineering Authority. The contracting agency or corporation that acts for and in behalf of the customer on all matters within the scope of this standard. The Engineering Authority has responsibility for the structural integrity or mainte- nance of airworthiness of the hardware and compliance with all contract documents. fabricator. The organization responsible for producing weldments that satisfy the design and contract requirements. foil. A material having thickness of 0.008 in [0.2 mm] or less. metallographic section. A transverse cut on the diameter of a spot weld or across a seam weld, or a longitudinal cut down the center of a seam weld, polished down to near the center of the weld and etched to accentuate the metallographic structure. nugget. The weld (fused) metal joining the parts in spot, seam, or projection welds. peel test. Amechanical test in which the cormers (or sides) of seam or spot welded foil or sheet members are gripped and pulled apart to determine if the joint fails by delamination, by fracture of a cleaved surface, or by tearing of a button (plug) out of the parent material. Delamination, in contrast to fracture, is a sign of no fusion between the two adjacent members. A button or plug, which is pulled out of the removed member, is not necessarily equal in size to the cast mugget underlying it. penetration. The extent of the nugget (fusion zone) into the thickness of a joined member. production. witness specimen.resistance weld size. The diameter of a spot weld nugget or the width of a seam weld nugget measured at the plane of the faying surfaces. sheet. A material having thickness, for the purpose of this specification, of more than 0.008 in through 0.250 in [0.20 mm through 6.35 mm]. welding conditions. All circumstances surrounding the making of a given weld, including material, configuration, mate- rial preparation, electrode shape, machine number, and all weld parameters. Weld conditions that are relevant require documentation. A suggested form for documentation is found in Annex A. welding parameters. Machine settings or adjustments, such as, but not limited to, weld current, weld time, and electrode force.