AWS D17.1:2001 pdf download

AWS D17.1:2001 pdf download

AWS D17.1:2001 pdf download.Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications
1. General Requirements
1.1 Scope. This specification contains requirements for fusion welding of aerospace hardware. It is to be used in conjunction with the Engineering Authority’s design handbooks or their accepted data. When conformance to this specification is stipulated in contract documents, all provisions of this specification shall be complied with, except for those provisions that the Engineering Author- ity or contract documents specifically exempt or those optional provisions that shall be applied when specified by the contract documents. The following is a summary of the specification sections: Section 1. General Requirements: basic information on the scope and provisions of this specification. Section 2. Applicable Documents: a listing of the documents referenced in the text of this specification. Section 3. Design of Welded Connections: require- ments and guidance information for the design of welded connections. Section 4. Welding Performance and Procedure Qualification: qualification requirements for welders, welding operators and welding procedures. Section 5. Fabrication: requirements for preparation, assembly and workmanship when welding aerospace hardware. Section 6. Inspection: criteria for inspector qualifi- cation, responsibilities of inspectors, acceptance of pro- duction welds, and standard requirements for performing visual inspection and nondestructive examination (NDE). Section 7. Repair of Existing Structures: require- ments for repair of existing aerospace hardware. Section 8. Welding of Nonflight Hardware: require- ments for welding nonflight hardware.1.1.1 Flight Hardware. The fundamental premise of this specification is to provide general requirements for currently recognized aerospace fusion welding processes and materials. However, this specification provides for the application of new materials, new welding processes, or acceptance criteria for production welds differing from those defined in this specification. These new appli- cations shall be documented by the proposer and ap- proved by the Engineering Authority. Aircraft, Rotorcraft, and Engines Sub- ject to FAA Regulation. When applying welding in the design, construction and repair of aircraft, rotorcraft, or engines subject to FAA Regulation, the Engineering Au- thority must perform the appropriate design analyses and impose process control measures that will ensure com- pliance with the applicable requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14. 1.1.2 Nonflight Hardware. Nonflight hardware, tool- ing, ground support equipment and related non- conventional aerospace facilities shall be designed and welded in accordance with the requirements of Section 8. 1.2 Classification. All welds produced in accordance with this specification shall be classified on the engineer- ing drawings. Weld classifications shall be as follows: Class A, Class B, or Class C. These classifications refer to the level of inspection required and to the acceptance cri- teria. Alternate acceptance criteria and inspection methods may be applied if specified on the engineering drawing. The Engineering Authority shall also determine the weld procedure qualification requirements (see Commentary). 1.2.1 Determining Classifications. The Engineering Authority must consider material and process aspects that affect mission or systems requirements. A weld joint may be zoned with multiple classifications. 1.2.2 Criteria. The Engineering Authority shall deter- mine the weld procedure qualification requirements for all classifications in accordance with Section 4. Should the Engineering Authority determine that alternate ac- ceptance criteria are required for particular applications, weldment(s) or other circumstances, the criteria shall be specified on the engineering drawing. 1.3 Approval. All references to the need for approval shall be interpreted to mean approval by the Customer or the Engineering Authority. Hereinafter, the term “Engi- neering Authority” will be used and it is to be construed to mean the Customer or the Engineering Authority. 1.4 Mandatory Provisions and Authority. Nothing in this specification supersedes applicable laws and regula- tions unless a specific exemption has been obtained prior to the contract date or as a contract amendment. 1.4.1 Mandatory Provisions. Most provisions of this specification are mandatory when the use of this specifi- cation is invoked. Certain provisions are optional and apply only when specified in contractual documents for a specific project. Guidance information is indicated by the words “should” or “may.” 1.4.2 Drawing Authority. When requirements in this specification conflict with those on the engineering drawing, the requirements on the drawing shall take precedence. 1.4.3 Specification Authority. In the event of a con- flict between the text of this specification and the refer- ences cited herein, the text of this specification takes precedence. 1.5 Definitions. The weld terms used in this specification shall be interpreted in accordance with the definitions given in the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Standard Weld- ing Terms and Definitions, supplemented by Annex III of this specification.