AWS A5.13:2000 pdf download

AWS A5.13:2000 pdf download

AWS A5.13:2000 pdf download.Specification for Surfacing Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
1. Scope
1.1 This specification prescribes requirements for the classification of surfacing electrodes for shielded metal arc welding. Solid bare electrodes and rods previously classified in ANSI/AWS A5.13-80 are now either discon- tinued or reclassifed in AWS A5.21:2001, Specification for Bare Electrodes and Rods for Surfacing (see Section A8 in Annex A). 1.2 Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the scope of this standard and, therefore, are not fully ad- dressed herein. Some safety and health information can be found in Sections A5 and A9 in Annex A. Safety and health information is available from other sources, in- cluding. but not limited to ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Weld- ing. Cutting. and Allied Processes, and applicable federal and state regulations.
3. Classification
3.1 Except for tungsten carbide electrodes, the surfacing electrodes covered by this specification are classifed ac- cording l0 the chemical composition of the undiluted weld metal, as specified in Tables 1, 2, and 3. 3.2 Tungsten carbide surfacing electrodes are classified on the basis of size and chemical composition of the tungsten carbide granules (see Tables 4 and 5). 3.3 Electrodes classified under one classification shall not be classified under any other classification in this specification.
4. Acceptance
Acceptance3 of the electrodes shall be in accordance with the provisions of AWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procure- ment Guidelines.
5. Certification
By affixing the AWS specification and classification designations to the package, or the classification to the product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification.4
6. Units of Measure and Rounding-Of Procedure
6.1 U.S. Customary Units are the standard units of mea- sure in this specification. The International System of Units (SI) are given as equivalent values to the U.S. Cus- tomary Units. The standard sizes and dimensions in the two systems are not identical, and for this reason conver- sion from a standard size or dimension in one system will not always coincide with a standard size or dimension in the other. Suitable conversions, encompassing standard sizes of both, can be made, however, if appropriate toler- ances are applied in each case. 6.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with this specification, an observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the“nearest unit” in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value in accordance with the rounding-off method given in ASTM E 29, Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications.
8. Retest
If the results of any test fail to meet the requirement, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both re- tests shall meet the requirement. Material, specimens, or samples for retest may be taken from the original test as- sembly or sample, or from one or two new test assem- blies or samples. For chemical analysis, retest need be only for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement. If the results of one or both retest fail to meet the requirement, the material under test shall be considered as not meeting the requirements of this speci- fication for that classification. In the event that, during preparation or after comple- tion of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper procedures were not followed in preparing the weld test assembly or test specimen(s) or in conducting the test, the test shall be considered invalid, without re- gard to whether the test was actually completed or whether test results met, or failed to meet, the require- ment. That test shall be repeated, following proper pre- scribed procedures. In this case, the requirement for doubling the number of test specimens does not apply.