ASME MFC-1 pdf download

ASME MFC-1 pdf download

ASME MFC-1 pdf download.Glossary of Terms Used in the Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes.
ASME MFC-1 consists of a collection of definitions of those terms that pertain to the measurement of fluid flow in pipes. The definitions provided also give guidance for recommended usage in the application of flow measurement devices.
1.2 Organization
This Standard is organized alphabetidlly. Symbols normally applied to various quantities are tabulated in section 3.
1.3 References
This Standard was compiled from many sources, including various reports and standards from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the American Gas Association (AGA), the American Petroleum Institute (API), the International Society of Automation (ISA), the British Standards Institute (BSI), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the National Institute for Standards and Technology (N 1ST), and the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML).
a&sol uSe pressure: algebraic sum of the atmospheric pressure and gauge pressure.
absolute static pressure of a fluid: static pressure of a fluid measured with reference to a perfect vacuum.
acceptance test: the evaluating action(s) to determine if an instrument satisfactorily meets its performance criteria, permitting the owner/purchaser to formally accept it from the supplier.
accuracy of nwasurcnic,t: the extent to which a given measurement agrees with a reference for that measurement; often used by manufacturers to express the performance characteristics of a device.
NOTE: “Accuracy” is not the same as “urwt’rtainty” (see “uncettaintv of measurement”).
acoustic tnatchinç layer: material comprising one or more layers, selected to maximize the acoustic coupling coeffident between two media.
(2) A measurement result may contain “relevant information” about the set of quantity values, such that some may be more representative of the measurand than others. This may be expressed in the form of a probability density function.
measurement section: length of conduit between two measurement cross sections, two sampling cross sections, or between an injection and a sampling cross section. For ultrasonic flowmeters: The section of conduit in which the volumetric flow rate is sensed by the acoustic signals and is bounded at both ends by planes perpendicular to the axis of the section and located at the extreme upstream and downstream transducer positions.
measurement sensor, coriolis: sensor to detect the Coriolis effect and to measure the frequency of the tube oscillations.
measurement standard: realization of the definition of a given quantity, with stated quantity value and associated measurement uncertainty, used as a reference, e.g., 1 kg mass measurement standard with an associated standard measurement uncertainty band of 3 gig; or a 100 II measurement standard resistor with an associated standard measurement uncertainty of 1
(1) A “measurement standard” can be provided by a measuring system. a material measure, or a reference material.
(2) A measurement standard is frequently used as a reference in establishing measured quantity values and associated measurement uncertainties for other quantities of the same kind, thereby establishing metrological traceability through calibration of other measurement standards, measuring instruments, or measuring systems.
(3) The term “realization” used denotes three procedures of “realization:’
(a) the physical realization of the measurement unit from its definition and is a realization in the strictest sense
(b) termed “reproduction”, consisting of setting up a highly reproducible measurement standard based on a physical phenomenon, as it happens
(c) consisting in adopting a material measure as a measurement standard, e.g., the measurement standard of 1 kg
(4) A standard measurement uncertainty associated with a measurement standard is always a component of the combined standard measurement uncertainty in a measurement result obtained using the measurement standard. Frequently, this component is small compared with other components of the combined standard measurement uncertainty
(5) Quantity value and measurement uncertainty must be determined at the time when the measurement standard is used.
(6) Several quantities of the same kind or of different kinds may be realized in one device which is commonly also called a measurement standard.