ASME CA-1 pdf download

ASME CA-1 pdf download

ASME CA-1 pdf download.Conformity Assessment Requirements.
ASME CA-1 specifies the requirements for certification and accreditation of organizations supplying products and/or services that are intended to conform to the requirements of ASME Standards listed in Table 1-1.
1.2 DefInitions
Applicant: a company applying for ASME certification or accreditation.
ASME Designated Organization: an entity appointed by ASME to perform an administrative activity in accordance with an applicable Code or Standard.
ASME D&gnee: an individual authorized by ASME to perform administrative functions on its behalf.
audit: a documented evaluation performed to verify, by examination of ohctive evidence, that those selected elements of a previously approved Quality Program have been developed, documented, and implemented in accordance with specific requirements. An audit does not include surveillance or inspection for the purpose of process con tiol, or acceptance of material or items.
Enforcenwnt Authority: a government entity that enforces regulations or laws and that formally recognizes an ASME Code or Standard as a means of compliance with those regulations or laws.
governing standard: the code or standard that establishes the technical conformance requirements for the product and/or service to be certified.
organization: a legal entity that holds, or has applied for, ASME accreditation or certification.
Quality Program: the term is intended to mean quality assurance or quality control depending on the requirements of the applicable Code or Standard.
rrt’iew. evaluation of a manufacturer’s quality contnl system, induding a demonstration of compliance with Code requirements covered by the scope of the Certificate(s) being applied for, including as applicable, design, material, fabrication, examination, testing, inspection, and certification.
(2) evidenw that th AlA performing the field or shop activities, or both, has a contract or agreement with the Certificate Holder
(3) evidence that this program has been accepted by the AlA of Record
(d) The provisions for the use of an AlA other than the AlA of Record are not pemiitted for shops operating under the mass-production provisions of the Code.
3.1.3 Authorized Inspectors (Al). Qualifications are defined in ASME QAI-1.
3.2 Certified Individual (Cl)
A Certified Individual (Cl) is an individual employee of the certified entity authorized by ASME to use its Certification Marks. The Cl is qualified and certified by the entity authorized by ASME to use its Certification Marks, to criteria specified in the appropriate code or standard. The qualification and certification are subject to evaluation by ASME during the survey or review. The Cl is neither an Al as described in para. 3.1.3 nor a Qualified Inspector (QI) as described in para. 3.3.
3.3 Qualified Inspection Organization (QlO)
An ASME Qualified inspection Organization (QIO) is an organization that is qualified by ASME, to criteria specified in the appropriate code or standard, to provide designated oversight through the use of Qualified inspectors (QI); is not an Authorized Inspection Agency (AlA) as described in para. 3.1; and is not an entity authorized by ASME to use its Certification Mark.
Data reports shall be as specified in the governing standard.
5.1 ApplicatIon
The ASME Certification Mark, in conjunction with the certification designator, shaH be applied by the certified organization only with the approval of the Authorized Inspector or Certified individual, as applicable, and after all inspections arid testing required by the governing standard and quality management system have been satisfactorily completed. Such application of the ASME Certification Mark, together irith final certification in accordance with the requirements of the governing standard, shall confirm that all applicable requirements have been satisfied.