ASME B30.7 pdf download

ASME B30.7 pdf download

ASME B30.7 pdf download.Winches.
The 830.7 Volume includes provisions that apply to the construction, Installation, operation. Inspection, testing, and maintenance of winches arranged for mounting on a foundation or other supporting structure for moving loads. Winches addressed in this Volume are those typically used in industrial, construction, and maritime applications. The requirements included in this Volume apply to winches that are powered by internal combustion engines, electric motors, compressed air, or hydraulics, and that utilize drums and rope.
This Volume does not apply to overhead hoists, mine hoists, capstans, or winches installed as an integral part of the lifting system of other 830 equipment. Also excluded are winches used with
(a) all-terrain-type recreational vehicles
(b) drill rig relocation trucks
(c) tow trucks
(d) vehicle recovery units
(e) boat trailers
(f) amusement park rides
(g) excavating equipment
(h) equipment covered by ANSI AlO, ANSI A17, ANSI A90, ANSI A92, ANSI A120, ANSI B20, ANSI B56. and ANSI 877 standards
(i) free•fall applications such as pile driving
Provisions of this Volume do not apply to the movement of personnel.
abnormal operating conditions: environmental conditions that are unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or for the operation of the equipment, such as excessively high or low ambient temperatures, exposure to adverse weather, corrosive fumes, dust-laden or moisture-laden atmospheres, and hazardous locations.
brake: a device, other than a motor, used for retarding or stopping motion by means of friction or power.
capstan (winch head): a rotatable cylindrical drum with curved end Aanges used for load handling by means of fiber rope or wire rope with hand tension applied to the free end of the fiber or the wire rope. A capstan may be a stand-alone machine or may be installed as an auxiliary device on a winch (see Figure 7-0.2-1).
(c) ensuring that the winch is in proper operating condition prior to initial use at the worksite by
(1) verifying that the equipment owner has provided documentation that the winch meets the inspection and test requirements of paras. 7-2.1.4 and 7-2.1.5 and Section
(2) verifying that a frequent inspection has been performed as defined in para. 7-2.1.4
(d) verifying that the winch has the necessary capacity to perform the proposed operations in the planned configuration
(e) using equipment operators that meet the requirements of para. 7-3.1.2 and are qualified to perform the tasks that will be required with the winch to which they are assigned to operate
(f) ensuring the designated operator(s) has been notified of adjustments or repairs that have not yet been completed, prior to commencing winch operations
(g) designating personnel for inspections as required in Sections 7-2.1 and 7-2.4
(h) designating personnel for the purposes of maintenance, repair, transport, and installation, as applicable
(I) ensuring that all personnel involved in maintenance, repair, transport, installation, and inspection, as applicable, are aware of their responsibilities, assigned duties, and the associated hazards
(j) ensuring that the inspection, testing, and maintenance programs specified by the equipment are followed
7- ResponsibiLities of Site Supervisor and Lift
Director. In some situations, the site supervisor and lift director may be the same person.
7- The site supervisor’s responsibilities shall include the following:
(a) ensuring that the winch meets the requirements of Chapter 7-2 prior to initial site usage
(b) determining if additional regulations are applicable to winch operations
(c) ensuring that a qualified person is designated as the lift director
(d) ensuring that winch operations are coordinated with other jobsite activities that will be affected by or will affect winch operations
(e) ensuring that the area for the winch is adequately prepared. The preparation includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) sufficient room to install the winch, as applicable
(2) an operating area that is suitable for the winch with respect to support capability and obstructions to winch operation
(3) traffic control as necessary to restrict unauthorized access to the winch’s working area
(f) ensuring that work involving the installation of the winch is supervised by a qualified person
(g) ensuring that equipment operators meet the requirements of para. 7-3.1.2.