ASME B29.8 pdf download

ASME B29.8 pdf download

ASME B29.8 pdf download.Leaf Chains,Clevises, and Sheaves.
Requcits that are not In thoi (orniat may be rrwriLten In the appropriate format by theCommittev prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.
ASME procedures provide for reconsaderistion of any interpretation when or if additional intormation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further. persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subctwnmittee ASME does not ‘approve.’“certifv “rate,” or ‘endorse” any iteni, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
Attending Coosmittee Meetings. The B29 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings that are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary of the B29 Standards Committee
1.4 General Chain Dimensions for Interchangeability
The dimensions given in Tables 1 and 2 proide guidance that will ensure interchangeability and compa. tibility with standard design dcvises It is rccomnwnded that these dimensions be considered for actual minimum and masimum limit5. Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their chains properly connect to the conesponding standard devises.
NOTE Chains from different manufacturers must be placed Ingrt*wr within 11w sanw application.
15 Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength (MUTS)
Minimum ultimate tensile strength (MU1S), foe chain covered by this Standard, is the minimum force at which an unused, undamaged chain could fail whcn subjected to a single tensile loading test.
(a) Test Pnxe duty. A tensile force is slowly applied, in a uniaxial direction, to the ends of the chain sample.
(b) The tensile test is a destructive test. Even though the chain may not visibly fail when subjected to the MUTh. ii will have been damaged and will be unfit for service.
1.6 Tolerance for Chain Length
New chains may have a tolerance of ±0.031 in./ft (2.58 mm/rn) when measured under standard nwasuring load as outlined In para. 1.7.
1.7 MeasurIng Load
This is the load under which a chain is to Lw measured for length.Length measurements are to be taken over a length of at least 12 in. (300 mm).
1.8 Pretoad
All chains shall be preloaded by applying a tensile force equivalent to at least 30% of the MUTS given in Table 3.