ASME B18.18.2 pdf download

ASME B18.18.2 pdf download

ASME B18.18.2 pdf download.lnspection and Quality Assurance for High-Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners.
ASME B18.18.2 is an Acceptance Sampling Plan for high-volume machine assembly fasteners, accessories, and associated parts. It establishes specific inspection functions that must be performed on the finished product or at the appropriate stage of manufacturing with the objective of ensuring that the accepted product conforms to all the requirements of engineering drawings, related standards, and/or specifications.
This plan does not necessitate in-process control; however, the producer. at his discretion, may apply in.pncvss control, Adherence to the requirements of this plan does not release the contractor from the responsibility of esercising due care in the production of all parts to the requirements established for all characteristics shown on engineering drawings and related specifications
2.2 ApplIcable CharacteristIcs
Unless designated characteristics are specifically specified in the product standard, the applicable characteristics include all characteristics of a part that are described by engineering drawings and related specifications. Three levels of inspection — A, B, and C — are provided in the plan. Alternate leveLs may be designated by the user if required. Refer to Fig A-I in Nonmaisdatory Appendix A to establish alternate levels as required. Any additional characteristic(s) deemed applicable by the user and not appearing in the general plan, or characteristics for which the user requires an inspection level other than that designated in the plan. must be esplicitly requested by thc user and shrnvn on drawings or specifications by the appropriate code letter at the time of ordering (see Nonmandatory Appendis B).
2.3 tot Definition
A kit is a quantity of product of one part number made from one heat of raw material Lw the same production process and subsequently submitted for final inspection at one time. In the case of fasteners assemblies, such as screw and washer assemblies, the manufacturer shall maintain lot traceability for all components.
(b) They may be 100% sorted and all nonconforming parts aioved,
(c) They may be reworked or reprocessed to correct the nonconforming characteristic(s).
(d) The customer may be informed of the rejectabk items and his advice requested on their disposition.
If the customer corn.dem that the degree to which the characteristic(s) deviates from specified requirements will have no significant effect on the performance of the parts in their service application, the customer may authorize release of the parts or materiaLs for completion of production or for shipment as applicable
2.9.2 Custome?s Options. The customer shall establish .grL’cnwnt with the tnanulacturer on one of the following options for the disposition of those lots or parts that have been rejected after receipt from the manufacturer:
(a) They may be scrapped.
(b) They may be 100% sorted and all nonconforming parts removed.
(c) They may be reworked or reprocessed to correct the nonconforming characteristic(s).
(d) If the customer considers that the degree to which the characteristic(s) deviates from specified requirements will have no significant effect on the performance ol the parts in their service application, the Ctistonwr may authorize release of the parts or materials for use and advise the manufacturer.
(e) They all may be retorned.
2.9.3 Reinspection. All pieces that have been sorted and/or reworked in accordance with para. 2.9.1 or para. 2.9.2 shall be resubmitted for lot sampling and inspection in accordance with para. 2.7 for the characteriatic s) found nonconforming and all other charactenstics that would be affected by the repair or reprocessing operation(s). If no parts in the sample inspected are found nonconforming, the material may reenter the production flow or may be approved for delivery or use as applicable.