ASME B107.5M pdf download

ASME B107.5M pdf download

4.8 Bolt Clearance Hole
A space shall be provided for bolt cicarance in all sockets except Typc II universal sockets (Fig. 2). The diameter of the bolt clcara.ncc hole shall be in accordancc with that of thc applicable size socket as specified in the respective tables for each class and style. The minimum depth of the bolt clearance hole shall be nt* less than 1.5 times the minimum dcpth of the nut opcning as set forth in the respective tables for rcgular length sockets, not lcss than 50% of the overall length for midIcngth sockets, and not lcss than 60% of the overall length for long sockets, as mcasured from thc face of the nut end. The dianictcr and depth of the bolt ctcarancc hole may be includcd in the wrench opening area if sizc and depth of the wrench opening arc adcquatc to provide the bolt clearance space. Whcn applicable, a through bole between the drive square and thc bolt clcarancc hole is to be provided. The hole shall have a minimum diameter equal to 50% of the square drive size or equal to the bolt clearance hole dianicter, whichever is smal let.
4.9 Internal Drive Opening
Internal drive openings shall be manufactured to produce a smooth, well-defined surfacc. The openings shall conform to ASME B107.4M.
4.10 Countersink of Nut End Socket Opening
Thc nut end socket opening shall be countersunk with an included angle of 90 deg to 150 deg and a minimum diameter equal to the across corners dimension of thc opening.
4.11 Dimensions
Dimensions shall bc in accordancc with the apphcable table unlcss othcrwisc specified.
4.12 Type II — Universal Sockets, Single (6- Point) and Double (12-Point) Hexagon
Type 11 universal sockets shall consist of a single (6-point) or douhic (12-point) hexagon socket and an internal drive end. Each mcmbcr shall be pcmiancntly attached to each other or by mcaris of an intermcdiatc member to form a universal joint. The sockcs shall be provided with a friction type device that wilt hold the drive end and socket end in any sd position with a force adcquaic to hold thc socket against gravity. They shall be capable of rotation in a complete arc when the angular deviation of either end member from the common centerline is 40 dcg. If hinge pins are used, they shall noi extend beyond the periphery of thc universal joint section for moc than 079 mm (0.031 in.) and shall not interfcrc with the regular operation of the universal joint. The portion of the hinge pin that extends beyond the periphery shall not havc sharp edges. Type II universal sockets shall comply with the tables herein (Fig. 2 and Tables 6 through 8).
5.1 Hardness
The hardness range specified in para. 4.4 shall be tested on a Rockwell tester using a diamond penetralor and cmploying a 150 kg load in accordance with ASTM E 18. Whcn surface preparation is necessary the amount
(b) Universal Sockets. Tests shall be made in thc same manna- as specified in para. 5.2.1(a) except that means shall be provided to keep the parts of thc univcrsal socket assembly on a common axis about which the load is applied.
5.2.2 Mandrels for Wrench Openings. Sockets shall be tested on mandrels. Six-point or 12-point hexagonal sockets shall be tested on hexagonal mandrels. The size of all mandrels shall conform to tables her&n. Mandreis shall he hardened to no Icss than
56 HRC.
5.3 Coating Process Qualification Test
The Coating Proccss Qualification Test for Ahcrnatc Coatings shall bc performed to certify the manufacturer’s production coatrng process. Thc Coating Process Qualification Test consists of an adhcsion, abrasion. arid corrosion test specified in paras. 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and
5.3.4. The Coating Process Qualification Test may also be performed to certify the manufacturer’s Nickel- Chromium plating process. Passing the Coating Process Qualification tests, if agreed to by the customer, exempts thc manufacturer from thc Nickcl-Chromlurn Thickness rcquirement of para. 4.7.2(a)(1) and the Nickel-Chromium Adhesion rcquircmcnt of para. 4.7.2(aX2).
Rctcsting may be required whcn a significant changc occurs in the proccss, a change on the materials, or when contractually required by the customer.