ASME B107.56 pdf download

ASME B107.56 pdf download

ASME B107.56 provides safely requirements for the design, construction. testing, and use of body repair hammers and dolly blocks, both of which are intended spccifically for the reshaping of sheet metal panels.
1.2 Purpos.
This Standard is intended to serve as a guide in selecting, testing, and using the hand tools covered. Details of design. testing, and use of the tools covered are specified only as they relate to safety. It is not the purposc of this Standard to specify the details of manufacturing
This Standard is also meant to serve as a guide in dcvcloping manuak and posters for training personnel to work safely.
1.3 Application
This Standard may be used as a guidc by state authorities or other regulatory bodies in the formulation of laws or regulations. It is also intended for voluntary use by establishments that use or manufacture the tools covered.
The methods employed to ensure compliance with this Standard shall be determined by the proper regulatory or administrative authority.
1.4 Shall and Should
Mandatory requirements of this Standard are characterizcd by the word shall. I a provision is of an advisory nature, it is indicated by the word should or is stated as a recommendation.
(a) A rigidly supported steel bar with a mm. diameter of 6 in. (152 mm) and a mm. hcight of 3 in. (76 mm) and having a hardness of 92 FIRB to 105 HRB or equivalent, shall be used to support a 26-gage 0.0179 in. (0.455 mm) steel sheet metal panel that fully covers the steel bar (see Fig. 5).
(b) Following the preconditioning striking test, the hammerhead shall not loosen or separate from the handle when subjected to a static tensile force of 400 Ibi (1780 N). Dinging, finishing, bumping, arid ball peen hammer ends shall withstand twenty swinging blows by continuous hand striking through a 90-deg arc, by a person of average build, 160 lb to 180 lb (73 kg to 82 kg) or the mechanical equivalent, without the striking face or ball peen chipping, cracking. spalling. or mush. rooming. The hammer handle shall not splinter, break. loosen or separate. Pecking, cylindrical cross pcen. cross peen, cross chisel, and shrinking hammer ends shall withstand twenty swinging blows by continuous hand striking through a 45-deg arc by a person or average build. 160 lb to 180 lb (73 kg to 82 kg) or the rncchanicai equivalent, without the point. peen. or chisel ends chipping. cracking. spalling, or mushrooming. The hammer handle shall not splinter, break, loosen or separate. Fender bumper body repair hammers shall be subjected to the preconditioning striking test that uses the same test setup as shown in Fig. 5.
The cylindrical cross peen shall be held against the sheet metal with the handle extending horizontally. The striking face of a 16 oz (454 g) ball peen hammcr shall he used to subject the struck face to twenty swinging blows by continuous hand striking through a 90-degree arc by a person of average build, 160 lb to
180 lb (73 kg to 82 kg), or the mechanical equivalent. The fender bumper hammerhead shall not chip. crack, spalt. or mushroom
4.5.4 Static Force Test. Samples of the assembled body repair handles shall not break, loosen, or otherwise fail when subjected to a static force (see Fig. 6) of 25 lbf (Ill N) while:
(a) The hammerhead is locked securely in ihe test fixture with the striking face down and the handle extended in a horizontal plane.