ASME A112.3.4 pdf download

ASME A112.3.4 pdf download

ASME A112.3.4 pdf download.Plumbing fixtures with pumped waste and macerating toilet systems.
The purpose of this Standard is to establish a generally acceptable performance standard for pumped waste systems, macelating systems and retated components for directly affixed water closets and other fixtures designed for above the-floor or in-floor installations.
A water closet connects to a macerating toilet system. Maccrating toilet systems collect the waste from a single water closet, plus a lavatorç shower, bathtub, or a combinabon of these in the same room. Macerating systems grind and pump these macerated wastes to some point in the sanitaly drainage system.
Pumped waste systems Consist of three major components:
(a) an automatic activation of the pumped waste system;
(b) a drainage connection to the pump; and
(c) a pump that pumps the waste to the gravity drainage system.
The macerating system compnses three major components:
(a) a container that houses the operating mechanisms;
(b) a pressure chamber that automatically or manually activates and deactivates the induction motor; and
(C) an induction motor that drtves the shredder blades and pump assembly, which is permitted to be combined into a single unit.
The use of alternate materials or methods is permitted, provided it can be demonstrated that such alternatives comply with the performance requirements of this Standard.
In this Standard, ‘shall” is used to express a requirement. i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisiy in order to comply with the standard; “should” is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; may” is used to express an option ci’ that which is permissible within the limits of the standard: and “can” is used to express possibility or capability.
5.1.2 Acceptance criteria
Upon completion of the eon/off” or cycle testing, macerating systems shall demonstrate the ability to meet the peiioimance requirements as outlined in Clauses 5.2 and 5.3; pumped waste systems shall demonstrate the ability to meet the performance requirements outlined in Clauses 5.3 and 5.4
5,2 Paper test of the wssenihled unit
5.2.1 Set-up
The paper test shall be conducted as follows:
(a) The macerating unit and water closet shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
(b) The discharge piping from the unit shall be installed to the maximum elevation and horizontal run stated by the manufacturer.
(c) The check valve shall be installed within the discharge line in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
(d) Discharge pipe size as recommended by the manufacturer shall be installed vertically for 3.7 m (12 ft) of discharge and then directed to a sale place of discharge.
(e) The water closet shall be filled with water and pressurized to the minimum pressure recommended by the manufacturer.
(1) Two thousand sheets of single.ply toilet paper shall be weighed, then separated into four sets of 50 ten-sheet lots.
5.2.2 test procedure
(a) Ten sheets of single-ply toilet paper at a time shaM be distributed evenly in the water closet bowl and the unit shall be flushed.
(b) With each successive flush, there shall be no evidence of paper returning to the bowl.
(C) After conducting 50 consecutive flush tests, three additional flushes without paper shall be made.
(d) The water closet shall then be removed from the housing unit and the internal walls and bottom of the housing shall be inspected for any collection of paper.
(e) The test shall continue to be conducted for an additional 150 cycles, stopping at every 50 paper/three no-paper cycle in order to inspect the internal housing for paper collection.
(f) After completion of the cycle tests, all paper on the wall and bottom of the housing unit shall be removed, dried, and weighed.
5.2.3 Performance requirement
The failure of the unit to meet the following criteria shall be cause for rejection of the unit:
(a) After each successive flush in Clause 5.2.2(a), (d), and (e), there shall be no evidence of paper returning to the bowl,
(b) Not more than 5% of the total weight of the 2000 sheets shall remain clinging to the wall and bottom of the housing after testing.
(c) If a grille is provided, there shall be no more than 50% blockage of the surface area, as determined by visual inspection.
5.3 hydrostatIc pressure test of the check valve
5.3.1 Test nwthod
The holding tank or pumped waste system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The check or non-return valve for either the tank or pumped waste system shall be subjected to a 3,7 m (12 It) column of water head pressure.
5.3.2 Performance requirement
The check or non-return valve shall not leak.