AS ISO 14237 pdf download – surface chemical analysis—Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Determinationof boron atomic concentration in siliconusing uniformly doped materials

AS ISO 14237 pdf download – surface chemical analysis—Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Determinationof boron atomic concentration in siliconusing uniformly doped materials

AS ISO 14237 pdf download – surface chemical analysis—Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Determinationof boron atomic concentration in siliconusing uniformly doped materials.
7.6 Measurement of test specimen
7.6.1 Measurement procedure
Test specimens shall be measured under the same conditions as stipulated in 7.5.2.
Ion intensity ratios of boron to silicon shall be determried for each measurement cycle by cycle at one measurement position, and then a mean value for all the measurement cycles shall be calculated. The mean value ot(ained shall be further averaged for three measurement positions,
7.6.2 Determination of working relative-sensitivity factor Use one of the previously caldrated bulk RMs to determine the working relative-sensitivity factor and the mass discrimination Correction factor for the test specimen measuremenT It is recommended thai the bulk RM be selected whose boron.lon intensity is as close to those in the test specimens as possible. Use the calibrated boron atomic concentration determined ei 7.5.3 as the reference value.
NOTE Use of RM-A is not recommended when boron.ion intensities br the sample are lower than 1 102 count5s. The bulk RM chosen and the RM-BG shall be measured under the same conditions as the test specimens on the same day. following the procedures stipiAated in 7.5.2
Ion intensity ratios of each boron isotope to silicon shall be determined for each measurement cycle by cycle at one measurement position, and then a mean value for all the measurement cycles shall be calculated. The mean value obtained shall be further averaged for three measurement positions.
8 Expression of results
8.1 Method of calculation
8.1.1 The working relative-sensitivity factor shall be obtained from the following formula:
C.1 General
The apparatus performance shall be evaluated using the three levels of boron-doped bulk RMs (RM-A, RM-B and RM-C) and the non-boron-doped RM (RM-BG) given in Table 1. The boron atomic concentrations in the RMs shall be determined using the procedures stipulated in annex A by an expert capable of implementing the procedures in annex A.
C2 Measurement procedure for bulk RMs
Follow the procedures stipulated in 7.5.2.
C.3 Mass resolution
C.3.1 The minimum ion intensity of the valley between the peaks for 10B and 11B in the RM-C shall be less than 1 % of the maximum ion count for the 11B peak.
C.3.2 The minimum ion intensity of the valley between the peaks for 29SiWSi and SE30Si shall be less than 1 % of the maximum ion count for the Si30Si peak.
C4 Minimum ion intensity
The secondary boron-ion (or boron cluster-ion) intensity in the RM-A shall be at least three times higher than the background intensity evaluated by using the RM-BG.
C.5 Minimum precision
C.5.1 The intensity ratio of boron-ion (or boron cluster-ion) to silicon-ion (or silicon cluster-ion) in the RM-C shall be measured three times at different points on the specimen surface in order to obtain the mean intensity ratio and the standard deviation.
The standard deviation shall not exceed 10 % of the mean intensity ratio.
C.5.2 The intensity ratio of boron-ion (or boron cluster-ion) to silicon-ion (or silicon cluster-ion) in the RM-A shall be measured three times at different points on the specimen surface in order to obtain the mean intensity ratio and the standard deviation.
The standard deviation shall not exceed 20 % of the mean intensity ratio.
NOTE An intralaboratory standard deviation is dehned by the following formula.